November 18th, 2009

[info]find_the_mod in [info]find_the_ooc

adds and removes!

Alright, guys! It is that time once again, wherein we must bid goodbye to a couple of characters, but also say hello to others!

Firstly, the happy of the adds:
- Laura is picking up her sixth character in one CYRIL WARRINGTON
- Sabrina is picking up her fourth character in one DULCINEA MULCIBER
- Kaitlin is picking up her third character in one MARISSA AVERY
- Khushi is joining the seven-character club with DAHLIA ROOKWOOD

And now, the sad of the removes:
- Dawn and Wolfie have decided to drop Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy.

So! Please to swing by the adding button that we love so much, run it for all of your characters, and welcome our new characters into the game!

[info]find_the_mod in [info]find_the_ooc


Okay so. One last modly note.

The Auror trainees have proven themselves.

They no longer need to do the volunteering thing.

I've been meaning to mention this for a while, and I just kept forgetting. >> SORRY! :D

[info]thebluedahlia in [info]find_the_ooc

YOHAI! This is Khushi and Dahlia Vivian Rookwood! Augustus' youngest sister, the only unwed Rookie left. :D

Well, more like D: because she's 28 (born in April '51) and she should have married by now but her brother holds such HIGH STANDARDS for who she should get married to, and there's always SOMETHING that's just not right.

She was in Ravenclaw, like her brother, and was the Prefect and Head Girl. Your character may remember her as the girl who always went for the best of the best and never settled for anything less. She also knew how to play the cello. And would likely claw your eyes out if you tried to touch it. Yup. She was also a bit intolerant to stupidity. That was Hogwarts, though. Now, she is ever so ~charming~ you wouldn't ever think of her as a DE supporter, part of wizarding charity groups, treasurer of the Ladies' League. But she still plays her cello, and probably would if asked to at societal parties. :D

The rest of her bio is here but this is the basic gist of it. Now comment. Because I said so.

[info]ladyavery in [info]find_the_ooc

it's that time again!

Hi all! It's Kaitlin here with my third character, the lovely Marissa Avery! Wife of Xavier Avery, Marissa has been incognito the last view months recovering from the deaths of her children. She's still very much grieving and totally devastated, though less so than she would be if she knew of Xavier's involvement!

Even though she's a Jugson, she's a half-blood and caused a bit of a scandal when she married Xavier, who was already in an arrangement with another pure lady. She's tried very hard to be a good wife though, and to move in society, but isn't really a social climber. She's straight-forward, practical, and brooks no bullshit from anyone (least of all her husband). Her full bio is here.

Soooo...friends/enemies/acquaintances/people she would know through her children? HIT ME UP

As always: KNJB11/[info]greyskyeyes

[info]thedandiest in [info]find_the_ooc


HI EVERYONE. Laura here with her sixth (lol again). YAY.

Cyril Warrington!!! is best known as Cecil's older brother, the heir of the Warrington family, umm... husband of Imogen Rookwood and father to Conrad the second. His mother was a Rosier (sister to Julian, Aldrich, Druella, Annalise, etc etc), so he has a lot of family in game, WHAT UP COUSINS.

Things to know:
1) His marriage is not a happy one, but they will put on a front (albeit probably cool and not always successful) in public, and are still trying to make it work for appearances' sake. Cyril himself is increasingly unhappy with this arrangement, but Cecil's the only one who would be aware of that at the moment, though that might change depending on how well Cyril gets along with people! We can probably say that Gus and Dahlia (perhaps Dee?) know that there is occasional trouble.

2) Slytherin 1970. Not a great student, more interested in making connections, was a social climber and still is.

3) Looks bored as hell at work. Charming & a willing (and good) dancer at parties and will pay ladies a great many compliments, OR he'll be withdrawn and quiet and snippy, ONE NEVER KNOWS. Always found with a glass of alcohol if it is being served (and sometimes will smuggle it in if not).

4) Likes to party with his younger cousins (LIKE EVAN) (he says he has to keep them in line) to escape the horror and monotony of his entire existence, so anyone who spends time with them is likely to know Cyril as well.

5) Not really the nicest bloke sometimes, though he tries hard, so if he hasn't said something to raise your character's eyebrow, he probably will. Most of #3 and #5 can probably be explained away by "still grieving for his beloved father." ;)

6) He is a v v v fancy dresser.

That's about all I've got. I don't think he has too many friends within or outside of the society circles, and if so, he'll still keep them all at an arm's length because the man is deeply paranoid that he's going to lose the rest of what he owns. There are very few people who he actually trusts. Just one, actually. Hi, bro. AND his bio is HERE!