November 17th, 2009

[info]find_the_mod in [info]find_the_ooc

just a note!

Okay, guys! Just a couple quick notes.

Firstly: Thanks to Wolfie, we have a revamped various information page that is all nicely organized all pretty-like, which will make finding information that much easier. :)

Secondly: Chantal has contributed to our ever-growing supply of Information with a doc (that is now linked in the above-linked various info post) about the training programme for Magical Veterinarians.

Thirdly: We are now linking to plot documents in the various info post. You can't view or edit any of the information on those docs unless you have access; if you have a character in one (or more) of the groups, comment to the various info post and we'll get you added.

Fourthly: Speaking of plot documents, if you create any more, please invite at least the mod journal to them, and we'll get them added to the list, as well.

Fifthly: As yet another reminder, please chat with the mommy mod beforehand if you're going to be doing anything that might out a character as an Order member or a DE (even if it's your own character). It's not like I'm going to say no, you can't! I just need to know these things ahead of time so that the game keeps running smoothly.

And that is all for tonight. :) Hopefully.

[info]find_the_mod in [info]find_the_ooc

hogsmeade weekend!

Dawn pointed out that we don't have a Hogsmeade weekend on the calendar, and since there's so many characters who live in the Hogsmeade area, they'd know when they suddenly have a bunch of teenagers descending on their town.

So, this Saturday is a Hogsmeade trip for the Hogwarts students.

As you were.

(Also, last night's #5 wasn't a public dig at anyone, it was just a general reminder. Nothing happened.)