October 28th, 2009

[info]dear_alice in [info]find_the_ooc


Okay, guys. I need your help here.

If you have pictures / whatever for your characters' homes, please comment here with them! Fill out the following form, plzkthnx.

Type of Residence: (Flat, townhouse, cottage, estate, castle, etc)


Character: AJ Carpenter
Type of Residence: Flat
Location: Catastrophic Cove, London
Picture(s): picture link here, pretend I have pictures of her flat

Also, if you use a particular website for finding pictures of homes for your characters, plz to comment with those links, as well.

Thank you! ♥

[info]modestly_fab in [info]find_the_ooc

Hullo lovely FTHers!!
This is just a note that I'll be going on hiatus from tomorrow (10/29) to at least next Wednesday (11/4... I think?), if not a few days longer. I'm flying down to Panama city for a Halloween bash this weekend and then will be staying with friends in Dothan, Alabama for the rest of the week. I'll continue knocking out the logs I've set up with people, and will try to keep up with things as best I can, but I probably won't be online much until Wednesday when my friends go back to work and leave me in their house for hours to entertain myself. So yes! Best way to get ahold of me over the weekend is prolly through e-mail, especially if we need to figure out details of the fallout from Saturday night's chaos.

Whit - Reg/Modesty, want to still attempt it before Saturday, or should we just assume we'll backdate it later?
Laura - Did you want to log the DATE or at least part of it? I'd love to see Ed's face and all, I'll be up for backdating it if we have to!
Claire - will work harder on our battle log! I failz during the last weeks of months cause of work + this travel. <3