October 20th, 2009

[info]find_the_mod in [info]find_the_ooc


So, I only just today realized that I posted this in the mod journal, not the OOC comm. So I'm re-posting it, so you can ignore this for the most part, I'm just re-posting it here (in the CORRECT journal) for my own sanity.

Okay guys! I know we just did this last night, but guess what! We're doing another round of adds tonight!

Tonight, we have Dawn and Kate both being the first people to take advantage of the seventh-character-with-mod-approval thing, and they are completing the Marauders with James Potter and Sirius Black (respectively)! We also have Jenny bringing us another Death Eater in Hector Gibbon!

So! Swing by the adding console thingie and update all your characters! :D

[info]foolofamum in [info]find_the_ooc

This icon doesn't really match what I'm about to type, but it makes me giggle so thpppbt.

So! I said earlier this week that I'd be on hiatus for however long, buuuut again I spoke too soon! My computer has been fixed quickly and awesomely, which I'm supremely pumped for. Our internet is being installed tomorrow at my apartment and I'll be moving in tomorrow evening so... no worries. :)

I might be a little flighty while I'm unpacking, but you can expect to see me around! Thanks for being patient, guys!


[info]zombiephile in [info]find_the_ooc

masquerade costume poll! (take two!)

I know what you're thinking.

"Wait, Brandi's CDJ is on my character's friendspage?! What?! How?!"

Brandi's CDJ is a permanent account (and thus has poll capabilities). The mod journal, being free, does not.

And I wanted to do a poll.

SO. The Masquerade is going to have a costume contest. Rump will be in the process of announcing the winners when the DEs are slipping out and slipping back in. So, we figured we might as well figure out winners. xD Obv for some of the categories, we might go with NPCs for the winners, but this is the Viewer's Choice: the players get to pick which costumes they like best for each category! :D

So. Poll. Vote! :D

Cut for the poll~ )