October 19th, 2009

[info]heart_of_a_lion in [info]find_the_ooc

h'okai so!

I know I've technically been back since yesterday, but I wasn't quite brain-y yet, but I'm officially back from my trip and therefore off hiatus and etc and without any major assignments due for the next while, which means I can devote more of my time to y'all, my lovelies. ♥

I'll be going through and replying to intro posts that I'm massively behind on, too. jsyk.

Also, with the ball coming up in just a couple weeks, I hope y'all are working on your logs! :D Some posts-of-note, in case you missed them (I had to scroll back to find them, myself): a call for fun-part-of-the-ball interactions, for doing the fun, fluffy, talking-to-people-you-might-not-otherwise kinds of logs; costume post! so that we don't have repeats of costumes; civilian involvement post, for if you want your DE to get hit over the head with Doris Purkiss' spike heel.