October 10th, 2009

[info]thegoodwife in [info]find_the_ooc

Just realized I didn't officially introduce Lucia!

Um, it's me, Robyn, the still fairly n00btastic player of Jon Bones, and I took on Lucia Nott also!

She's 30, turning 31 soon, and has two daughters, Tullia (10) and Prisca (6), with her husband, Patrice Nott. Theyv'e been married for, oh, going on 11 years now, and the lack of heir with her getting older is a major stressor to their relationship.

Okay, so a rundown. She's a very proper lady, believes that ti is a woman's job to raise the children and support their husband. She believes in purism and history and culture, but she isn't very educated or very interested in academics. She's certainly a society lady. She loves her husband, despite his often less than ideal treatment of her, and she is glad taht she never, ever has to want for anything since he takes good care of her and the girls.

She is Portia Parkinson's big sister and has an un-played brother, Adair, the middle child and heir who got most of the attention, married to a lady named Odessa. Cool names if anyone's looking for another character!

I would love for her to have some more friends, besides her bff sister (who is awesome!) and Sloane (who is her Hot Friend, lol). I would also like to see what sort of relationship she'll have with the other society ladies, be it one of friendship or not since she seems to be a bit older than some of the played gals. Lucia likes to think of herself as a shiny, wonderful example of the community and totes her darling daughters around with her most everywhere (though there is a governess named Mademoiselle Yvette to take care of the details). I would also love to develop some male friendships, with lots of possibility for messiness, depending on how things organically unfold with Patrice!

Men and women of society, what do you think?

Also, non-society members are totally welcome to plot too, obvs. It's just likely that there won't be a lot of love between them. Lucia is quite superior-esque. But you never know! Also, holy crap I write a lot. Sorry this is so long.
