October 8th, 2009

[info]find_the_mod in [info]find_the_ooc

it's that time again!

Alright, guys! The check-in period is officially over now. Anyone who did not respond to it with valid entries has, sadly, been removed from the game.

However, let's start things off with our ADDS. We have two new players bringing in one new character apiece, plus two current players each bringing in another character!

CHANTAL is joining us with Sloane Vaisey.
KAITLIN is joining us with Felicity Banges.
LAURA is bringing in her sixth character, Portia Parkinson.
ROBYN is bringing in her second character, Lucia Nott.

On the removes side of things:

Cassie is dropping Doris Crockford. Alya and Moz both failed to check-in, so they and their charatcers (Prudence Rabnott, Betty Braithwaite, Celeste Lestrange, and Lily Potter) have been removed.

So! Please swing by that button and run it for all of your characters!