September 10th, 2009

[info]find_the_mod in [info]find_the_ooc

and let's pretend this was here all along and not in any other journal. ahem.

Alright, guys! We have another set of adds and removes toinght!

First, the happy:

- Jamie (after having just dropped Gemma all of three days ago) is picking up one Lydia Townsley, ex-wife of Sturgis Podmore!

Second, the sad:
- Dawn and Whit are dropping the Diggorys, Amos and Vivian.
- Cat has decided to leave the game, so we are losing her characters Damocles Belby and Roland Williamson, as well.

The button has been updated. Go run it!

[info]onthetown in [info]find_the_ooc

HI GUYS. IT'S JAMIE. This is my last character ever, promise. ;)

So, yeah! This is Lydia Townsley aka Sturgis Podmore's ex-wife! She's awesome. Lydia is a Muggleborn and former Ravenclaw from the class of 1961, which she says makes her sound a lot older than she'd rather it did. She was in the choir and was Head of the Ancient Runes Club (that I'm sure EVERYONE WAS IN) during her sixth and seventh year.

Currently, Lydia is the Chief of Language and Linguistics in the Department of International Magical Cooperation which is a long title that basically means she gets to translate documents and play translator when foreign diplomats make appearances or she's asked to travel. Lydia is sort of a language junkie and has been since she was really young, so she speaks way too many. When she found out that other creatures spoke their own languages, she basically thought she died and went to heaven.

As a note! She isn't really the ~evil ex-wife~ type, so I don't think many people would really hate on her or anything after this many years for the divorce. I mean, they CAN, but she's a relatively nice person and she gets along well enough with Sturgis for their daughter's sake. She doesn't bash him publicly, although her friends might get an occasional, "GOD, my ex-husband," comment. :)

SO YEAH! She needs some friends. She also needs some exes - both pre and post Sturgis. She also needs some ~enemies~ and whatever else you can throw at me. HIT ME UP, YO.

AND NOW. I am really going to bed. :)

[info]find_the_mod in [info]find_the_ooc

patroni! or patronuses! take two!

Alright. This only resulted in confusion last time, and I've been meaning to do it all over again to reduce confusion, so!

Take two!

This is half-meme, half-reference. Because obviously it's important to know what the Order members' patroni are, since that's how they communicate. It's also good to know if other people are capable of producing a patronus.


Comment with what your character's patronus is, or what it would be if they were capable of a corporeal patronus. And just as importantly: say whether they are capable of a corporeal patronus. If you're really into animal symbolism, there is a good list of that kind of stuff here. Don't worry about doubling up on animals, especially among the meme half. Everyone's patronus would have some kind of identifying marks to show that it's their's.

You don't have to comment if you don't want to participate in the meme half, but if your character CAN produce a corporeal patronus (or even if they can't but are in the Order, because someone should be working on that with them), please do comment. :)

The reference half: those who CAN produce a corporeal patronus )

The meme half: those who CAN'T produce a corporeal patronus )

[info]pronouncedkeeva in [info]find_the_ooc

FTH Quidditch

Hey y'all! Did a little work on Quidditch last night. Here's Quidditch standings as they currently are (very subject to change!) and the schedule for September.

FTH Quidditch Standings and Schedule

Typically Quidditch matches take place on Saturday and Sunday, and given how long they can go they usually begin at 2 p.m. The occasional weeknight matches are always in the evening, though - usually at 7 p.m.

Scores will be posted as games occur, and if you need a particular outcome for plot purposes, please let me know. Same goes for a particular match-up on the pitch. I have no personal stake in any of these matches, so I am more than willing to shuffle things around to accommodate people's plot needs. Pro Quidditch and DMSG character players, if you need me to change anything in the standings for right now I can do that, too - just drop me a line via email or IM sometime today.

So...yeah! There you have it! Quidditch.