September 2nd, 2009

[info]find_the_mod in [info]find_the_ooc

quick note!

Quick note regarding Ministry personnel yesterday:

- Obliviators were called out immediately to start trying to obliviate ... essentially an entire, bustling, busy train station.
- DMLE personnel were asked to stay (ohai there, paperwork, not to mention a death eater being taken into custody), but if they wanted / needed to leave, they weren't forced to stay.
- Everyone else was told that they could leave. If they REALLY REALLY wanted to stay at the ministry and get some work done, that was fine, but the Ministry more or less closed down, with the exception of the DMLE, for the late morning / afternoon.

Also! New comm to add (it's been added to the friending button, which I'm too lazy to go get the link for): [info]find_the_crack. It is not for your drug-dealing needs, but for your cracky and au needs. Membership is open!

[info]find_the_mod in [info]find_the_ooc

just a note!

So that nobody freaks out over being unable to edit the spreadsheet:

it is currently locked down (you can view it but not edit it) while we work on more specific guidelines for the skills and abilities, to make it easier to gauge where, exactly, your character should fall.