September 1st, 2009

[info]find_the_mod in [info]find_the_ooc

check-in time!

Okay, you guys! It's a new month, and what a way to start it off, right? If you haven't already, swing by the 5-part King's Cross Battle Log (link takes you to page 1).

Amazing Battle Log aside (seriously, guys, I love you all for all the hard work you put into your battles!), it is also time to check-in! I know, I know, I can hear your groans from here. But this is just to make sure that everyone's still peachy keen and stuff. This month, it'll go a little bit differently than last month.

COMMENT TO THIS POST with your name and the names of all the characters you have and want to keep. You must have an entry of reasonable length in each character's journal dated at some point after August 18. I will be checking, and your check-in will be invalid for any characters who do not have an entry in that time frame. The only exception is the only one who is officially on hiatus. If you have not commented by September 7, you and your characters will be removed from the game.

ADDITIONALLY, along with your characters' names, please include a couple sentences about what's going on in their life (for each character). Those who participated in the King's Cross Battle: this part is optional (we kinda know what's going on in their life in the immediate sense).

As a reminder, the September calendar is up here. If you have any plot ideas that you would like to see on a future calendar, either e-mail them to me or comment here.

Finally, thank you again to everyone who participated in the battle logs and who clearly put some good hard work and effort into them. I can't bring myself to read through the whole thing in one sitting.

[info]hitsyouhard in [info]find_the_ooc

A Call for Info!

I know we're not even recovered from the GINORMOUS BATTLE yet, but I need some help!

As you probably saw, Sturgis made a post a few days ago asking for names of people suspected of being Death Eaters. While he can't make any official inquiries, he's definitely going to be running background checks, conducting a few stray interviews, and making his way to Knockturn in order to find out more about the people whose names were brought up. All the information that he learns he'll include in a large, detailed report that he plans on presenting to the Order in a couple of weeks.

So this is where YOU come in. I'm going to check on every person name-dropped in that entry, seeing their history, N.E.W.T.s, basic family stuff. Sturgis, however, has a great deal of sources. So anything you want him to uncover about your character that might not be common knowledge (ie, if their grades dropped after a year, if their teachers were concerned about fixation on the Restricted Section, if they've ever been arrested/investigated before, if they're a regular buying shifty things at Knockturn, etc), I'd like to get a note of it! You can give me as much or as little as you want. If I don't get anything from you, I'll have him not find out much.

Have as much fun with this as you want! Were your characters ever arrested for flying too quickly on their brooms? Were they involved in fights at school? Was one of their parents a supporter of Death Eaters? Does crazy run in their family? Have they ever sassed a cop? Any suspect deposits in their bank account? BRING IT ON!

Send any and all info to herkissofshame(at)gmail(dot)com. I'd like to have all the info by Tuesday the 8th, if at possible.

Thanks guys!!

-Whit n' Sturgis

[info]mum_of_many in [info]find_the_ooc

Roll-call! XD

Hey guys, I was just wondering if you could let me know if your character(s) went to the Burrow after the battle today? - either to be treated in a non-record keeping place (aka not-Mungo's), to help heal, or to just rendezvous and check in. Molly & Arthur will have extra bedrooms and cots set up if anyone needs. Molly's got food, medical supplies, and is running around helping to get anyone everything they need and help with any sort of healing she can manage to do. In general being a busybody and fussing over everyone. The kids are at Aunt Muriel's so no worries about little tykes going *point* "You were covered in red and at my house yesterday!" later on.

Thaaaanks! :D

[info]heart_of_a_lion in [info]find_the_ooc


Partay on the spell damage floor!

So, who all is there atm? Either in the long term or the short term.

Marly'll probably be there until tomorrow at least. Cracking your skull kinda takes a while to recover from.

[info]find_the_mod in [info]find_the_ooc

explaining the new system of battle

(write-up by the ravishing Kate)

So now we've finished the first big battle, and we've all started discussing it. There were things that went well, there were things that could have gone better, but overall it was a success. Nonetheless, as part of making this the best game it can possibly be for the players who are in it, it's important that we be willing to adjust what doesn't work in order to make it all work better.

The rest cut for length. Oops. )