August 14th, 2009

[info]find_the_mod in [info]find_the_ooc

roll results and battle stuff!

Alright! Everyone who was in chat tonight when I got home from work already knows what the results of the rolls were, but here's the Official Result List, along with a link to the Official King's Cross Attack gdoc, which includes the pairings of who's fighting whom.

Results of the Rolls! )

The doc is available for viewing here, and everyone has been invited to edit it. If you didn't get the invitation, let me know. I threw in quite a few NPCs to even things out, so those who are logging with NPCs can decide among themselves who does the NPCing or how it's done or whatever. There's also a link provided in the document to Alie's / Edgar's map of King's Cross. I tried to stick with that as close as I could when doing the pairings, so please be sure to check it out, especially if your characters are noted as being in a certain position.

Anyway! Have fun with the logging, and please try to have your parts of the log done by the evening of the 31st so that we can post it on the 1st! :)

[info]find_the_mod in [info]find_the_ooc

patroni! or patronuses? bueller?

Alright, guys! I know I said I'd put this up, oh, last night, but I forgot.

What is your character's patronus? We'll have a nice handy reference list here of everybody's patroni(-uses?), in part so that Order members can keep straight what their fellow members' are, and also just ... as a handy reference list.

If you're having trouble picking an animal for your character's patronus and want to go with some good old-fashioned symbolism, check here for animal symbolism from various cultures. (Note: You don't have to use an animal off that list, it's just for help if you can't think of anything or like using symbolism. Also, yes, doubling-up is fine. Everyone's patronus, even if it's the same animal as someone else's, would have some kind of identifying marks to show that it's their's.)

Patroni! Or Patronuses! However you choose to pluralise it! )

So! Just comment with your character's name and patronus, and they'll get added to the chart! :D