July 12th, 2009

[info]hooves in [info]find_the_ooc

HEY GANG! It's Emily (again :P) and I bring with me James Potter!

So James is nineteen years old, he lives with Lily in Godric's Hollow, and he's a full time member of the Order of the Phoenix. Not that anyone who isn't in the Order would know about that, and to explain his apparent unemployed status to everyone else, James simply cites that he doesn't know what he wants to do yet, and is trying to get "life experience" first to figure it out...which is basically just the kind of bull shitty thing James would say, so it's really not very suspicious at all xD. James has actually grown up a lot since his Hogwarts years, but he still has a killer sense of humor, a big mouth, and enjoys goofing off with his mates. He's just not quite as much of a jack ass as he was in his earlier teen years, which is definitely a plus! That's not to say he's let go of old grudges, because James is actually completely incapable of doing that, but he tries to behave himself a bit for Lily...in order to be a better person. Uhm, right. He loves Quidditch, hates the Dark Arts/purism, thinks he's the BEST at Transfiguration, and is an unregistered animagus. There's loads more about him in his journal :D!!

Right! So friends, enemies, etc.??

[info]nopanacea in [info]find_the_ooc

Introducing Chloe!

It's Natasha again! I am addicted to characters, but I'm trying to stick with these four. We'll see how long my willpower holds out. :O)

Anyway . . . Chloe Wilkes bio here. Olivia's sister, and the youngest member of the infamous Wilkes family. Pertinent facts:

+Slytherin, Class of '79
+Pureblood - not the most elite of families, but not completely obscure, either.
+Excelled in Astronomy which is one of the few things it's possible to get her talking about.
+Loves her home in Cornwall which is another thing she can be induced to talk about with some effort.
+Has nowhere near her sister's self confidence, but will pretend she does.
+Very anxious to be liked, but not very good at it. She tended to come off as a bit of a snob and a know-it-all in school.
+Will be respected, if she can't be liked.
+Soon to be a fresh new intern in the Department of Mysteries - the which she will inform her sister of shortly, if Olivia hasn't heard from other sources first.
+Fights regularly with her sister about everything, but will defend her to the death from anyone else if necessary.
+Determined to salvage her family's reputation by being the perfect citizen.
+Even more determined to bring down Voldemort because everything that's wrong with her life is all his fault. This is something she will not talk about at all.
+A plotter.
+Very, very focused when she wants something.
+Purist more by upbringing than anything else. She doesn't dislike muggleborns, but she's never questioned that blood matters, either.
+Really quite harmless, despite the fact that she'd like to think otherwise.

Your characters might know her if:
+They were in Slytherin between 1972 and 1979.
+They know her sister Olivia.
+They were a member of the DMLE involved in investigating/arresting her parents.
+They were at Hogwarts between 1976 and 1979 - she was pretty unmemorable to most non-Slytherins before that.
+They belong to an old pureblood family.
+They work in the Department of Mysteries.
+They work somewhere else in the Ministry.

[info]expedite in [info]find_the_ooc


Heya. Jenny here for the third time and I come in peace with Bertie Higgs.

Have some stuff about him on the house:
- Bertie is 34 years old and a Slytherin of '56-'63.
- He's just about supporting the ministry at the moment, but Bertie would switch to any old side to keep himself, his business and (most importantly) his family safe.
- Former head boy and one of Slughorn's tools favourites.
- One of those pureblood types. His older brother ran off with a muggle in 1957, which was a little embarassing for the family at the time. He isn't a raging purist though, and tends not to judge people based on blood or wealth.
- Bertie is a total workaholic. Despite already being very successful, Bertie has it drilled into him that he should do better and exhausts himself with work. He started out using his father's money but if anyone implies that he doesn't deserve what he has or hasn't worked for it, he will probably slap them and then drive himself into an early grave working even harder to prove them wrong. :S
- He has a Europe wide set of hunting shops and knows a lot about dealing with dark creatures. Is there a super secret banshee in the attic your Great Aunt Mildred used to look after? If Ghostbusters are busy then Bertie can get rid of it for you and keep it on the downlow. ;)
- Creature rights activists? You may well dislike him. He probably thinks you're misguided, stake-able, or being a nuisance.
- He doesn't say a lot. Bertie can seem standoffish and aloof, but usually he's just feeling comfortable in silence or can't find the right words. Can you understand several different variants of 'hmm'? Congratulations, you're half way on your way to speaking Higgsian!
- Has two kids. Natalie, born in 1971 and Terrence born in 1975. Anyone who gets him started on his kids may be surprised how much he can talk (and pleasantly) when he puts his mind to it. He would do anything to protect his family.

There's more about him here. Plottage, anyone? :D

[info]mugglemethis in [info]find_the_ooc

Introducing Charity Burbage

Hey there! Dawn again! You've probably heard of me from such hits as Narcissa is a Giant Bitch with No Back-bone (Yet) and How Did Amos Get Such an Adorable Wife?? Today, I bring Charity Burbage. NOTE TO PROFS PLAYERS: This is not the Charity you know from Profs in the least! Completely, COMPLETELY different. I will probably refer to her as Charb because I am a huge dork like that, and don't want to have to say Charity Burbage every single time. XD

Anyway, I bring to you Charity Burbage, Wizard-Muggle liaison. If your kiddo began attending Hogwarts after 1965 and is Muggle-born, Charity is probably the one who showed up on your doorstep and said, SURPRISE! MAGIC IS REAL! She would have taken your family to Diagon Alley when it was time for supplies, and showed you that magical, magical entrance. She was married to Caradoc Dearborn for a good long while, but when she found out she could not have children, she systematically pushed (more like kicked him out of the door). She's aware that she was the bad guy in that scenario, and she doesn't blame anyone who is/was friends with them for thinking it. She's fairly friendly, but she's a little more reserved on who she trusts with actual friendship. She has a close circle of friends (mostly involving the same people she was friends with when she was married). You can see more about her on her journal [info]mugglemethis.

Friends, enemies, childhood sweethearts? Dates in the last 2 years? Hit me up! I love working in plot. ;)