July 11th, 2009

[info]find_the_mod in [info]find_the_ooc

stop! add time!

Alright, guys! Swing by the friend add button! We have five new characters tonight and one new player!

First, let's welcome Ronnie to the game. She's bringing Sirius Black to us!

Secondly, let's welcome back Natasha with her fourth character, Chloe Wilkes (Olivia's little sis); Jenny with her third character, Bertie Higgs; Dawn with her fifth and final character, Charity Burbage (welcome to the club, Dawn!); and Emily with her third character, James Potter!

Your lovely mod promises that she will be around more in the next few days; she has been doped up on painkillers since Wednesday, but she's starting to wean off of them, so she'll be more around and coherent from here on out! As always, if I'm not on AIM and you have a question, hit me up via e-mail!