December 9th, 2008

[info]justkeepswimmin in [info]find_players

Disney fans???

Hey, all, I'm a player over in [info]disney_u which is Disney University. Basically, we all play college-age and above characters from the Disney canon as real people. Just so you can see, I play Dory here (a senior in Linguistics on the swim team) and Cinderella (Cindy, a junior fashion designer) and more. You can get real creative there, and a lot of big characters are still open, like Snow White, Buzz Lightyear, Prince Erik, and more.

I myself am looking for siblings for a friend's character, and some friends for mine! He is looking for people to play two more of the 101 Dalmations (which means you can go really wild with character creation) who will be his brother and sister. I am looking for Marlin from Finding Nemo, Mushu from Mulan, and Nakoma from Pocahontas. But that's just the beginning! I know a lot more are wanted. (Oh, and Kuzco wants Kronk to join too, please!)

Disney U is super active, as we have dozens of characters filled already, and we have been amazingly free from drama. Everyone is very friendly and storylines are brought up often. There's more info at the mod page, HERE. Please check us out!


[info]raven_mods in [info]find_players



[info]_ravenhurst_ || [info]ru_network || [info]ru_ooc || [info]raven_awards

Welcome to Ravenhurst University, located in the quite suburban town of Malvern, Pennsylvania.

Strange things have been happening here in this town, located just one hour outside of Philadelphia. People have been reported missing, and several lives have been lost already, the work of a serial killer on the loose. But people are going about their normal routine, not thinking that they're going to be next. But it keeps happening - the disappearances and murders are becoming more and more frequent.

Family, loved ones, friends, and enemies keep disappearing, sometimes unnoticed. It's unusual for this quiet town, where everybody knows everybody else.

Will you be next? Who are you willing to trust and protect?