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December 19th, 2009

[info]dashcunning in [info]find_horcruxes

RP Log: Gawain & Nora

WHO: Gawain Robards & Nora Alderton
WHERE: Outside the Harpies' locker room (oh my), then Gawain's flat.
WHEN: The evening of December 17th.
WHAT: Gawain Robards, MAN OF STEEL, apologises for being Gawain Robards, MAN OF BEING-A-JERK. Also they have a frank discussion concerning his romantic history, which is just as awkward as it sounds.
Rating: Asides from several mentions of physical intimacy, fairly low -- much to their mutual frustration.

Focus. Talking. Communication. )

[info]find_the_mod in [info]find_horcruxes

OOC Log: Revenge!

Who: Orion Black, assorted Aurors (including at least Rufus Scrimgeour, Frank Longbottom, and Edgar Bones [as they all volunteered on the DMLE plot doc, but others who didn't volunteer their kids are still welcome to], and anyone else who might want to be involved), and assorted civilians (if you want your civvie to be in the general area and end up involved, go ahead and throw them in!)
When: Saturday, 19 December, shortly after 7:00 pm (so shortly after the Auror shift change)
Where: Outside the Diagon entrance to the Ministry of Magic (because we're pretending there is one because coming one-by-one out of the phone booth would be less fun)
What: Worked up into a rage by his lovely wife Walburga about his brother-in-law/cousin's death last week, Orion Black seeks revenge on the Aurors in general, particularly Rufus and Gawain.
Status: OOC log, so that more people can be involved

Revenge is sweet. But it's all fun and games until somebody pokes an eye out. )

[info]onthetown in [info]find_horcruxes

RP Log: Angus & Lydia

Characters: Angus MacDougal and Lydia Townsley
Setting: Caer Dubh, on the night of 17 December, 1979
Summary: After an evening of cleaning up her own house, Lydia comes back to the castle to have a relationship talk with Angus. Haircuts are discussed and sentiments are exchanged! And lots of cute occurs.
Warnings: Talk of relations. Oo la la.

He was worrying about a /girl/ and if she /loved him/ like he was seventeen again instead of nearly 700 years past that. )

[info]notaharpy in [info]find_horcruxes

RP Log: Nora & Mina Alderton

Who: Nora & Mina Alderton
When: Wednesday night after Nora's argument with Gawain
Where: the girl's flat in Holyhead, then Terraced House
What: Mina confesses (sort of)! Nora is not helpful or happy about it.
Rating: PG

'He... just /gave/ you a house? /Really/?' )