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December 9th, 2009

[info]scrimshaw in [info]find_horcruxes

RP Log: Gawain Robards, Rufus Scrimgeour & NPC!Cygnus Black

Who: Gawain Robards, Rufus Scrimgeour & NPC!Cygnus Black
What: A search and arrest goes bad. Very bad.
When: 8 December 1979
Where: Cygnus' Black's home
Rating: PG-13
Status: Completed log

Cygnus Black, we have a warrant here from the Ministry of Magic, granting us permission to conduct a thorough search of your property. )

[info]reporter_guy in [info]find_horcruxes

Daily Prophet: 9 December, 1979

Daily Prophet Morning Edition: Black Patriarch Dead As Result Of Legal Auror Search )

[info]nopanacea in [info]find_horcruxes

Memo to Mr. Augustus Rookwood

Memo to Mr Augustus Rookwood )

[info]foolofamum in [info]find_horcruxes

RP Log: Andromeda & Ted

Characters: Andromeda & Ted Tonks
Setting: Their home; afternoon of 8 December
Summary: Andromeda has just found out that her father died and once the shock wears off, she needs to tell her husband.
Warning: S for Sad

All he could think to do was just focus on doing whatever was best for Andromeda; Ted was fine, so his feelings here didn't matter. He just needed to do what she needed. )

[info]foolofamum in [info]find_horcruxes

Owl to James & Lily Potter

Owl to James & Lily Potter )

[info]dashcunning in [info]find_horcruxes

RP Log: Gawain & Nora.

WHO: Gawain Robards, Nora Alderton & one NPC!ex-fiancée.
WHERE: St. Mungo's Wizarding Hospital.
WHEN: Aroundaboutish midday (aka when he is speaking in whole sentences again).
WHAT: Gawain is hurting. Nora is fretting. Then a lady from the former's past appears and makes Gawain wish some decorative weapons would put him out of his misery (what, too soon?).
Rating: L for language.

That backless robe is pretty fetching. )