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October 31st, 2009

[info]heart_of_a_lion in [info]find_horcruxes

RP log: Effie & Marlene McKinnon

Who: Effie & Marly McKinnon
Where: Effie's flat
When: Thursday, 29 October, just after 8:00 pm (slightly backdated)
What: Marly has an apology and an explanation for her sister
Rating: No language (I know, shocking, right?), but mentions of sex. So ... PG-13?

She didn't invite Marlene in - not yet - but instead leaned her hip against the door frame and then raised an eyebrow that clearly meant for Marlene to get on with it. )

[info]shebanges in [info]find_horcruxes

RP Log: Boyd MacFusty, Addie Banges

Who: Boyd MacFusty, Adelaide Banges
When: Thursday, 29th October 1979
Where: Banges/Catchlove/Watkins cottage in Hogsmeade!
What: Addie gives Boyd a couple of presents! Asta attacks a stick.
Rating: G

'It's a... a gesture. A really stupid, girlie gesture, but -- it's like -- it -- means something?' )

[info]find_the_mod in [info]find_horcruxes

The Halloween Massacre Ball: Pt 1/6

Halloween Massacre Ball, part 1 )

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[info]find_the_mod in [info]find_horcruxes

The Halloween Massacre Ball: Pt 2/6

Halloween Massacre Ball, part 2 )

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[info]find_the_mod in [info]find_horcruxes

The Halloween Massacre Ball: Pt 3/6

Halloween Massacre Ball, part 3 )

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[info]find_the_mod in [info]find_horcruxes

The Halloween Massacre Ball: Pt 4/6

Halloween Massacre Ball, part 4 )

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[info]find_the_mod in [info]find_horcruxes

The Halloween Massacre Ball: Pt 5/6

Halloween Massacre Ball, part 5 )

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[info]find_the_mod in [info]find_horcruxes

The Halloween Massacre Ball: Pt 6/6

Halloween Massacre Ball, part 6 )

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[info]reliably in [info]find_horcruxes

rp log: the cornfoots & gawain robards

Who: Douglas & Sarah Cornfoot, Gawain Robards
When: 31st October, sometime after 9:30 pm/after the masquerade
Where: the Cornfoot residence!
What: Gawain has some bad news for Douglas and Sarah. :(
Rating: S for Sad.
Status: Complete.

He couldn't shed the feeling that he was less a herald of news than the outermost edge of a spreading stain. )