August 18th, 2008

[info]guiltyred in [info]ffvii_yaoi

Need has a face...

I have a hero complex. You probably already know this.

Recently I found out that a friend in fandom is going through a particularly hard time: her husband is having some really difficult health problems, leaving her to take care of two teenage kids and the entire household on just one income. Their medical bills are mounting – the doctors still haven’t given them any clear information. On top of this, insurance is not helping them out as much as it needs to (no surprise there, really), and her quest for any other assistance is running into a bureaucratic wall.

I was very moved by the way livelongnmarry (LJ) pulled the fandoms together to raise funds for gay rights this past summer, and I got to thinking – why can’t smaller groups of fans pull together to help one of their own in trouble?

I’m setting up a fundraiser to help her family through this crisis. Hopefully this idea will catch on, and fans will reach out to help each other a bit more. But right now, the focus is on one woman, her husband, their kids, and their home. She’s been a reader and friend of mine for as long as I’ve been journaling, and while I’m in no position to help financially anymore, the least I can do is sell my craft.

So, in the spirit of fandom generosity, I bring you the goods.

Offer A: )

Offer B: )

Offer C: )

So…are you in?

GuiltyRed sells self fic for a Fan In Need

(crossposted like crazy)

May 2015



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