Jul. 7th, 2009


Has anyone seen a questionably tall guy, with a thick shock of white hair and day-glo clothing running about?

Jun. 11th, 2009


I am very lonely and worried for my friends back home. Would anyone want to hang out?


Does anyone have a world where space exploration is common that I could explore? I don't want to just pop into someone else's reality uninvited.

Jun. 3rd, 2009


I found an island. But it wasn't the Island. I'm still very confused. The people seemed nice enough, but I didn't recognize anyone.

I kind of wish Lincoln was here. He was always good at figuring this kind of thing out.


I like this world much better; haven't seen a single nargle yet. My necklace must be working.

I've still got a couple of spares. Would anyone like one?

May. 21st, 2009



In light of Mr. Garwin's recent declaration of singleness, thought it'd be keen to have a list of single people.

So, if you're single and looking, comment here with what category you go under and I'll update the list as time rolls on. And I remember. And stuff.

The list. Public, but cut for length )


Whoa.. hold on just a second here! This sure isn't Ipswich. I didn't "use" to get here, I swear What's going on? I don't get it. Well.. maybe if I see some hotties, it'll make my confusion a bit worthwhile.

Oh. Almost forgot. My name is Reid. And before I forget something else, I should get this out too. I'm single. Very single. Mmm.