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Jul. 22nd, 2009


Does anyone know how to drive a tractor?

Or more to the point, how to stop a tractor from driving?

Jul. 21st, 2009


What this place needs is a really big beach party!

Jul. 19th, 2009


Weather Patterns

Has anyone thought to investigate the weather patterns in the various accessible realities?

It would be interesting to find out if the weather in one place affects the weather in another, or if they really are completely separate entities.

I'd be willing to help document this, if anyone was interested.



Ice went through a portal in her office, and I don't know where she is.

Has anyone seen her today?

I know she was here yesterday ...

Jul. 13th, 2009


Things have been quiet since everyone had nightmares. I hope everybody's okay, and nothing's happened.

Jul. 7th, 2009


So, I hear there are peeps from back home running around here, but I keep missing them somehow.


Has anyone seen a questionably tall guy, with a thick shock of white hair and day-glo clothing running about?

Jul. 4th, 2009


Um...hi. I'm not good with people. Figure I'll do explanation, then. Forwarned is forarmed. (which sounds weird as we all have forarms.)(is that the right saying?)

My name is Angela Mercy. So, I'm going to tell you all a bit about myself.

I never knew my mother or father. The nurses at the hospital named me Angela. Mercy was the first name of the woman who found me. I wasn't born with wings, though I did have soft, chick-feathers on my back.

Growing up in an orphanage sucked even when I didn't have my wings. But once I grew them, it got way worse. It was impossible to stay in class. Others would pull out my feathers and it hurt and bled. No one wanted to touch them, so I suffered.

I'm 18 now. I wear halter tops all the time because trying to get a regular shirt around a nearly seven foot wingspan would not be possible. I have white wings, and white feathers down my back and over my shoulders. I'm real noticeable.

Anyway, I'm not real educated, but I read a good deal. I was thinking...if there was a library I could work in...I think I'd be pretty much the happiest person ever. I'm kinda board and I'd like to help.

And...if anyone would like to help me get a little learning, I'd really appreciate it. I never went past 8th grade.

Jun. 29th, 2009


So I hope nobody minds, but I kind of cleaned the place where I woke up?  I managed to scrounge together some supplies.  So ... um, the games and books have been alphabetized and I had to hazmat The Couch Why is that capitalized? I can't make it undo. Oh, whatever.  because I'm pretty sure it was questionably clean.  So, um, anyways ... yeah, it's clean now.  Just so you know. 

I did my room too, but I don't think anyone cares about that.

Jun. 27th, 2009


There is not enough coffee in the world.

Jun. 26th, 2009


I realize, of course, that I am the leading man in this tale, but this whole war thing is so very passe. I've been trying to avoid the one back home, why exactly would I want to join in on a new one?

Jun. 19th, 2009


Right. So if a bloke wanted to have a little fun round here, what do you suppose he'd do?  I've run out of bloody ideas just now ...

Jun. 18th, 2009


ALEC McDowell! If this is your idea of some joke! I don't like it one bit, I swear to the blue lady, I will learn to pick up a gun and shoot your ass for this, I will go back on my word to never use a gun again! Where in the hell did you put me? I know this ain't Terminal City no more, it is too clean.

Jun. 17th, 2009


Oh hey, this is neat. It's not Gloomsville, but still pretty cool.

So what's everyone up to?

Jun. 16th, 2009


I like it here, with new people and a new life. This is my-- what, third new start at life? Yeah. I hope this one goes well.


Visiting this copy of my world is-- strange. It feels hollow, and the missing voices of absent friends make me wish for better days. I work here, and meet people, and they are even perhaps nice people, but I am still almost feeling like a ghost of myself.

Fitting, I suppose, for a dead man.

Jun. 12th, 2009


Beach Party, Woo!


Everyone's invited. It'll last all weekend, and there'll be a rainbow bonfire, food, drinks, and alcohol. And probably sex.


Jun. 11th, 2009


I am very lonely and worried for my friends back home. Would anyone want to hang out?


Does anyone have a world where space exploration is common that I could explore? I don't want to just pop into someone else's reality uninvited.

Jun. 10th, 2009


Not Grimmauld

So, woke up this morning on a couch that wasn't mine. Wasn't Lils. Wasn't the hospital. Had this little Muggle device right next to me going on about being saved from death.

Little late for that, yeah?

Does anyone else have any better idea of what's really going on here?

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July 2009



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