May 21st, 2009

[info]thethirdson in [info]escapemechanism

Whoa.. hold on just a second here! This sure isn't Ipswich. I didn't "use" to get here, I swear What's going on? I don't get it. Well.. maybe if I see some hotties, it'll make my confusion a bit worthwhile.

Oh. Almost forgot. My name is Reid. And before I forget something else, I should get this out too. I'm single. Very single. Mmm.

[info]her_ivory_tower in [info]escapemechanism


So, since it seems like we're actually here for a while, wolf!Tris, older!Lily, Jaime, and I were thinking about making a day of exploring the worlds, if anyone else wants in.

The qualifiers on you doubles and same-name people are going to kill me ...

And to everyone new, hi!

[info]icetenari in [info]escapemechanism

re: Explorations

To those of you heading out to explore the worlds, do be very careful. I have been speaking with people who are a little more versed in world traveling than I am, and have gleaned some interesting facts that may or may not apply to our situation.

Jake has informed me that his world is here but things that happen in it may not have any impact on a person. We haven't yet tested this theory, though if we had volunteers we could set about doing that later.

In the course of discussion, he mentioned something referred to as a keystone world, or a real world, a world in which time runs only one way. It wasn't proven, but theorized. This implies to us that what happens in one of these keystone worlds cannot be undone, but again, this would take some investigation.

Laurel and I have managed to put a few protection spells in place to keep any significant harm from befalling any member here at the hands of another resident. Therefore, those of you who wish to engage in your strength tests, we do ask that you take it outside of Dar Oma - but again, be careful. Until we have determined which worlds yield permanent effects, you run the risk of doing irreparable damage to yourself and others while you are outside of Dar Oma.

If anyone has questions, suggestions, or wishes to volunteer for an actual exploration team, please stop by the town hall or the Black Castle to talk to myself or Laurel.

Thank you
|cetenari §tormƒyre

[info]cast_no_shadow in [info]escapemechanism

Locked to People from Gigi's world

Luna, Rikku, James, anyone else who came over from World )

[info]cast_no_shadow in [info]escapemechanism


In light of Mr. Garwin's recent declaration of singleness, thought it'd be keen to have a list of single people.

So, if you're single and looking, comment here with what category you go under and I'll update the list as time rolls on. And I remember. And stuff.

The list. Public, but cut for length )

[info]deathsdoorway in [info]escapemechanism

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