June 2nd, 2009

[info]there_you_are in [info]erasedooc

Hello! Hope here one more time, and I must confess that I had to get another muse out of my brain before it exploded. Thus, I bring to you Revel Delaney / The Cheshire Cat, pb'd by the lovely Emilie Autumn.

Revel is a hacker, and she's basically a mercenary with her skills. She'll work not for the highest bidder, but for the least boring person. She's got a cocktail of mental issues that only got bigger when Cheshire showed up, but what can you do? She lives in a really crappy apartment, and she spends all of her money on computer equipment. Did I mention she likes to hack into ATMs and has a celebrity gossip blog for the Los Angeles Times? She's very sweet, happy, and upbeat, if not a little spacey and out of touch. For more information, check out her bio here.

As usual, I'm always looking for plot for her and for Sylvie. Feel free to contact me via journal, pm, or AIM at InnovaDragon. She's a great gal, and if you don't find her, she'll find you. She has the nasty habit of appearing where she's not really welcome.

Looking forward to playing with you all!

[info]ex_bearneces527 in [info]erasedooc

Hi everybody! I'm Katie, and I'm brand new to the game this evening. I don't think I know most of you, so I'm excited to meet you and your characters. I'm bringing Beau Thomas (PB: Luke Macfarlane) into the mix, and he's sharing his brain with Baloo from The Jungle Book. Beau is all about having fun, relaxing, lounging around, and basically doing as little as possible at all times. He loves to dance, swim, and be outside, he's really good with kids, and he also really enjoys dating around (he dates men), but isn't quite able to get himself to settle down.

I'm up for any and all interaction, Beau is very friendly, and I am always up for a scene! I should warn you that I will be out of town over this coming weekend for my 5-year college reunion, so I might disappear for a couple of days, but otherwise, I'm on AIM at Roaring Junior, and I'd love to chat and plot with everyone!
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