Jun. 16th, 2009


So, hi again.

I should be back, as the moving is FINALLY done... however, my computer is sort of screwed at the moment (For example, I am writing this from Safe Mode, since that is the only way I can get the computer to work, and even then it likes to shut off every few minutes.)

What that means is I'm still going to be scarce until my new computer gets here, which should be next week. Then I'll be here pretty much all day every day, and will be able to keep up with all of this stuff.

I apologize to the people I've disappeared on, and I'm going to TRY to tag and update and all that while I can, but I can't promise anything this week. =(

I love you guys so much~


Jun. 5th, 2009


So, uh, hi again. O_o

It's Bree, and I realized I didn't have any really villainous villains (Harley is just a bit too cutesy and well... yeah)

So, I spent some time trying to find just the right character to play, someone eeevvviillllll and.. well... a bitch. Who better than the ever lovely Emma Frost?

That's right. At least in the cartoon she never went good.

Her info is on her journal, but all that really matters is she's a telepath, a total bitch, and works in pharmaceuticals and medical supplies. She's more interested in power than anything else, and will gladly turn anyone into her pawns to achieve that. Part of her is looking to start up the Hellfire Circle Club once more, and she'll do a damn better job at heading it up than Sebastian Shaw did. So, if some of you want to be involved with that... she's probably going to be recruiting at some point... when she finds people that aren't idiots.

<3 Your plots, I would love them. =D As well as if anyone wants to play with Jessica Rabbit, Harley Quinn, Lisa Hayes, or Megara, I'm always up for that, too.