Jun. 10th, 2009


Apologies, amends?

Hi there,

Sorry about being scarce with Lampy and Mozenrath. I'm living in a weird place right now, and Internet is so hard to come by.

I will catch up on everything in this comm tomorrow afternoon, I promise.

Jun. 1st, 2009


Lexi's Second Character

Hi there!

I'm Lexi, with my second character after Luke/Lampy. This is Tobias Sumter, and he's housing Mozenrath from the Aladdin animated series, circa the 1990's.

He's charming, attractive, and evil as all hell. He works as a mortician in a funeral home, has a pet eel and a flesh-eating disease, and he does arcane black magic with artifacts.

So, please add [info]becauseitsthere. Thank you!