June 1st, 2009

[info]whaddadog in [info]erasedooc

Hey there everyone,

I'm Sam and I'm bringing you Ace Woods as Tramp. I'm open to anything you can probably think of so just get at me here or on AIM at BiteBarkGrowl. I can't wait to get some plots going. Ace is a rather friendly guy, so just walk his way and I'm sure you'll be friends.
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[info]i_do_believe in [info]erasedooc

Salutations! My name is Hope, and I bring to you Sylvie Mignonne Veronique De Lorme, one of the richest heiresses in the entire world, the President of the illustrious De Lorme Cosmetics, and your very own Tinker Bell!

I am very much looking forward to playing here. I can't wait to begin plotting. If anyone is interested in playing with Sylvie, please drop me a comment here, or on her info, or contact me via AIM at InnovaDragon. If you think that she should know who your character is already, or that your character already knows her, let me know. We're up for anything, so start sending it our way.

[info]becauseitsthere in [info]erasedooc

Lexi's Second Character

Hi there!

I'm Lexi, with my second character after Luke/Lampy. This is Tobias Sumter, and he's housing Mozenrath from the Aladdin animated series, circa the 1990's.

He's charming, attractive, and evil as all hell. He works as a mortician in a funeral home, has a pet eel and a flesh-eating disease, and he does arcane black magic with artifacts.

So, please add [info]becauseitsthere. Thank you!