May. 26th, 2009


Hey everyone, I'm Josie! Your Mod from another Mother. Little about me: I work night shift so my hours are a bit weird. But, I am on in the evenings if you have questions/wanna chat.

Right now I'm still working on character profiles, but they should be posted by the end of the week. Here's my characters:

Roger Baxter: He's Roger Rabbit 100%! The first toon to be thrown into the real world. Roger is a tv personality on a simple little sitcom and married to Danica (of course). If your char needs help with anything, Roger is more than happy to jump in and do what can!

[info]halolz Adam Miller: A professional gamer (gamer tag "The Joker" no surprise there). He's very confrontational, a total asshat and enjoys kicking your ass at video games. He likes to think of himself as something of an internet celebrity, which makes a perfect target for The Joker. Since he's based off of the cartoon, he's a bit more silly. Still a total crazy person, but silly. Everyone in the community knows who he is because he's just so gos darn proud of it.

[info]ownyou Jessie Freeman: Talent Agent for all. He's also Hades. Jessie isn't so open about his character and actually in public will probably play it off like it's a joke. However, if you have a rising star that needs an agent, he'd love to represent!

[info]redsais Sam Bradley: Raphael through and through. Sam is a private investigator who goes by his own rules and other cliches. So glad to see some of the other turtles here! If you want to figure out how they know each other that would be awesome. Sam is pretty secretive about being Raph, but he'd tell his brothers in a heartbeat.