June 3rd, 2009

[info]erasedmods in [info]erasedooc

Oh man, alright, HI GUYS. =D

Sorry that I've been flaky, but I'm in the middle of moving and everything, so I am TRYING to keep up with all the tags and entries and all that good stuff, but RL has gotten ridiculously busy. So, just bear with me while I catch up with all my modly duties.

With that out of the way... XD Remember Danica's post about the Toon Gathering that is happening on Friday? (This is for the HEAPS of new people we've gotten since then that might have missed it.) Well, J was nice enough to post the thread start for us, and early so that we can get going on it ASAP.

You can find the gathering post here. Go go and have fun and write away in it. Just remember that it's taking place on Friday night, so that if you want to do things to lead into it, you still can, and that's awesome.

So what's the big deal, you ask? Well, maybe you didn't, but I'm kind of hoping that you did. Well, as the gathering of Toons into one place gets larger and larger, it's going to make their inherent powers go a little wonky. So much magic in one room just isn't going to be able to be controlled.

What does that mean for you? Starting at the gathering, and continuing for the next week or so, everyone's powers are going to go haywire. At times they may be even more powerful than they were, or people that had no powers may get granted some, or if you try to use your powers like normal it winds up messing up or not working at all. It's up to you, really, how you want to play it out, but it should not be normal for them. Like, you magicians... maybe their spells fizzle out at inopportune times, but when they try to do something minor it winds up being larger and more grandiose than they had intended.

Remember, these mortal bodies weren't meant for this, and this is going to be a subtle reminder to them. The biggest part is to just have fun with it.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask them here, or direct them to our email, erasedmods@gmail.com =D

[info]go_go_gadget in [info]erasedooc

I be slow this week


I am going to be slow this week.