Jun. 16th, 2009


So, hi again.

I should be back, as the moving is FINALLY done... however, my computer is sort of screwed at the moment (For example, I am writing this from Safe Mode, since that is the only way I can get the computer to work, and even then it likes to shut off every few minutes.)

What that means is I'm still going to be scarce until my new computer gets here, which should be next week. Then I'll be here pretty much all day every day, and will be able to keep up with all of this stuff.

I apologize to the people I've disappeared on, and I'm going to TRY to tag and update and all that while I can, but I can't promise anything this week. =(

I love you guys so much~


Jun. 14th, 2009


iHola mis amigos!

Lo siento on the being scarce thing but I'm currently out of town in a place where internet is unheard off...well currently I'm sitting in a parking lot mooching off a store with Lexi atm.


I should be back later tomorrow but still scarce since my first readthrough for All's Well...is tomorrow night and then I gotta work...Girl gotta get paid man and I can't write Hamlet.

ok that sounded better in my head.

Well I'll "be back before you can spit. Not that you...spit."

(extra points for those who know that quote.)

sorry I'm hyper.




Jun. 11th, 2009



Hey everyone! This is Josie with a little plot twist for the next week or so! We want characters to really start getting to know each other and while party threads help, they aren't enough! So, starting today, your character will start having VIVID memories of their cartoon life as well as start acting like them much more than usual. Keep in mind that if your character wants to keep their identity a secret, that's totally fine! Just imagine them having to fight it down a little more for a couple of days. Powers that they posses will also be on the fritz and a bit more potent than before. Feel free to use this as a plot device to meet new chars, post journal entries or do whatever!

The effects should start wearing off around next Thursday. Get to it!

Jun. 10th, 2009


Apologies, amends?

Hi there,

Sorry about being scarce with Lampy and Mozenrath. I'm living in a weird place right now, and Internet is so hard to come by.

I will catch up on everything in this comm tomorrow afternoon, I promise.

Jun. 4th, 2009


Just a quick reminder to say I will be out of town all weekend, and thus Beau aka Baloo will be slightly absent until Sunday night. He did just post a little journal entry, however (if you haven't friended him yet, you can see it here), and I should be able to reply to some comments before I leave, so feel free to leave a few! Thanks!
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Jun. 3rd, 2009


I be slow this week


I am going to be slow this week.