
Latest Events

February 27th, 2009

RP: A chance meeting

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When: February 27, 2004
Who: Zach, Olivia
Where: The Leaky
Private/Public: Private though public place
Rating: All Ages
Summary: Zach is having dinner when he runs into Olivia

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February 16th, 2009

RP: Strong Drink

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When: February 16, 2004
Who: Olivia Capper, Shae Capper
Where: Olivia's Flat
Private/Public: Private
Rating: pg-13
Summary: Olivia hears about Oliver and Alicia

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February 6th, 2009

RP: Oh it's you again...

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When: February 6, 2004
Who: Zach, Olivia
Where: The Auror's office
Private/Public: Private
Rating: All Ages
Summary: Zach is working, or trying to, when Olivia comes to bother him after a visit with her brother.

Can't you go bother your brother instead? )

January 28th, 2009

Funeral Notice

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When: 28 January, 2004
Who: Everyone
Where: Everywhere
Private/Public: Private
Summary: Funeral notices go out. (Delay was due to the fact that the Muggle police had the body).

Funeral Notice )

January 19th, 2009

RP: Fancy meeting you here.

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When: January 19, 2004
Who: Olivia Capper, Charlie Weasley
Where:  The Alexander
Private/Public: Public
Rating: TBD
Summary: Alcohol has a language of its own...

Charlie's weekend was starting on a Monday. )

January 12th, 2009

RP: You Offered

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When: Jan 11/12 (late night)
Who: Olivia Capper, Nick (NPC)
Where: Nick's flat
Private/Public: Private
Rating: adult
Summary: Olivia takes Nick up on his offer- even if he wasn't serious.

and I'm accepting )

January 9th, 2009

RP: To Drink till Drunk

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when: 9 Jan 2004
who: open (add your tag)
where: the Alexander
private/public: public
rating: ranging
summary: it's an open night at the Alexander

It was a Friday night )

January 6th, 2009

RP: Trying to Sort it Out

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when: 6 Jan 2004
who: Adeline Proudfoot, Shae Capper, Olivia Capper
where: Shae's flat
private/public: private
rating: PG-13 // R
summary: Adeline needs a break from Quidditch players, she really shouldn't go to a ex Quidditch player's to do that.

The way the nicotine rolled down her shoulders, releasing a heavenly tension from her chest )

RP: Deep Dark Secrets

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When: 6 January, 2004
Who: Oliver Wood, Olivia Capper
Where: Leery's Pub, Muggle London
Private/Public: Semi-Public (ping to join)
Rating: --
Summary: Oliver and Olivia catch up over drinks

Where no one knows your name )

January 5th, 2009

OWL: To Oliver

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When: 5 January, 2004
Who: Oliver Wood, Olivia Capper
Where: Sky
Private/Public: Private
Rating: --
Summary: Olivia owls Oliver before she shoots off to work.

Hell of a day? )

RP: So here's what I hear...

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When: 5 January, 2004
Who: S Capper, Roger Davies
Where: The Prophet offices
Private/Public: Private
Rating: --
Summary: Olivia asks around about Oliver.

how much is true? )

ARTICLE: Famous Quidditch Star arrested at the Daily Prophet

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When: January 5, 2004
Who: Everyone
Where: Everywhere
Private/Public: Public (add your tags as your character reacts)
Rating: All Ages
Summary: A fight at the Daily Prophet is only good for one party - the Daily Prophet

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