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February 15th, 2009

RP: Unexpected Consequences

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When: 15 February 2004
Who: Alicia Spinnet, Oliver Wood, Alecto Carrow, Rabastan Lestrange
Where: Upper Slaughter
Private/Public: Private
Rating: Adult
Warning: Torture and death
Summary: Oliver and Alicia are on a weekend away to sort things out when they run into some wards that are not supposed to be there.

…with a row of golden stars right here… )

February 1st, 2009

RP: Time to pay the Piper

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When: January 31, 2004 – very early morning
Who: Alicia Spinnet and Oliver Wood
Where: Oliver’s flat
Private/Public: Private
Rating: Adult – for language
Summary: After their break-up at the Leaky Cauldron, Alicia returns to the flat to clear out her things.

Alicia sat in the same spot she had sat in for the past hours; on the third step on the staircase in Oliver’s flat.  )

January 31st, 2009

A misunderstanding...or not?

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When: January 30th 2004.
Who: Alicia & Oliver.
Where: First Cornfoot Manor, then the Leaky Cauldron.
Private/Public: Semi-Private. Anyone can run in on them at the Leaky. The question is whether or not they want to ;)
Rating: Adult - for language.
Summary: Oliver overlooks Alicia and Cass. Unsurprisingly he's not exactly pleased with what he sees and storms off angrily. Only this time things don't end well - and not even Hannah can turn things around.

For a moment Oliver was convinced that time had stopped and that the only noise in the world was the pulse in his ears as the blood rushed out of his face, leaving him pale and feeling like a Bludger had just hit him in the stomach. )

January 28th, 2009

Funeral Notice

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When: 28 January, 2004
Who: Everyone
Where: Everywhere
Private/Public: Private
Summary: Funeral notices go out. (Delay was due to the fact that the Muggle police had the body).

Funeral Notice )

January 26th, 2009

Owl: To Fleur and Gabrielle

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When: January 26, 2004
Who: Alicia Spinnet, Fleur Weasley and Gabrielle Delacour
Where: Respective locations
Private/Public: Private
Rating: All ages
Summary: Alicia knows only too well the situation Gabrielle must be finding herself in this morning

Owl to Fleur Weasley – with an attachment to Gabrielle )

ARTICLE: Reporter still not found - Potter's fiancée exposed

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When: January 26, 2004
Who: Everyone
Where: Everywhere
Private/Public: Public (add your tags as you comment or make posts of your own)
Rating: All Ages
Summary: Daily Prophet reports more about the missing woman, but also has a nasty gossip byline...

Read all about it )

January 24th, 2009

RP: It's cold outside!

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When: January 24, 2004
Who: Alicia and Oliver
Where: Their home
Private/Public: Private
Rating: TBD
Summary: After a cold night spent searching in vain for a missing woman, the tempers of the hot-heads are bound to flare.

Sleet just seemed to be even colder than regular cold, as it clung to your clothes, soaking it through in no time and in a way that even warming spells seemed to be fighting a losing battle against. )

January 21st, 2009

RP: Lunch!

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When: January 21 2004
Who: Alicia Spinnet and Richard Summerby
Where: A café in London
Private/Public: Private, though in a public setting
Rating: All ages
Summary: A bit of lunch and catching up

Lunchtime! )

January 19th, 2009

Owl: To Garrett Bullstrode

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When: January 19 2004
Who: Alicia Spinnet and Garrett Bullstrode
Where: Respective locations
Private/Public: Private
Rating: All ages
Summary: After serious reconsideration of her situation, Alicia has decided that it’s time to respond the invitation Garrett Bullstrode extended to her during his meeting with Oliver.

How do you start an Owl like this? Do you write ‘Dear’… and how do you end it? )

January 18th, 2009

RP: Sunday in the Park

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When: Sunday January 18 2004 - Afternoon
Who: Fleur Weasley and Alicia Spinnet (Along with NPCs Victoire and Aidan)
Where: A park in London
Private/Public: Private, though it’s in public – ping if you want to join
Rating: all ages
Summary: Fleur is taking Victoire on an adventure in the park, and Alicia has taken Aidan there to give Angus a break from an attention seeking toddler.

Sure, it was cold and wet, but nothing a few discreetly cast warming charms couldn’t handle )

January 17th, 2009

RP: Attempting normalcy.

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when: January 17th. Evening.
who: Alicia & Oliver and the rest of their patchwork-household.
where: Their flat / London.
private/public: Private, though you're free to ping if you want to join.
rating: PG.
summary: A few days after Alicia and Aidan have moved in with Oliver, the patchwork family gets a little respite. Little do they know that it's the calm before the storm.

He woke up to find that he was being used as a pillow by two children. )

January 6th, 2009

OWL: Getting the Story Straight

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when: 6 Jan 2004
who: Alicia Spinnet, Roger Davies
where: skies
private/public: private
rating: G // PG
summary: Roger has a story to write and needs an interview first.

I hope this owl finds you well )

January 5th, 2009

RP: The morning after

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When: January 5th 2004 - Midmorning
Who: Alicia Spinnet and Oliver wood
Where: Oliver’s flat
Private/Public: Private
Rating: R for language until about halfway down, then... adult.
Summary: Alicia returns to Oliver’s flat after this morning’s edition of the Prophet.

Here goes... )

ARTICLE: Famous Quidditch Star arrested at the Daily Prophet

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When: January 5, 2004
Who: Everyone
Where: Everywhere
Private/Public: Public (add your tags as your character reacts)
Rating: All Ages
Summary: A fight at the Daily Prophet is only good for one party - the Daily Prophet

Breaking News )

January 4th, 2009

RP: Sunday dinner

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When: Sunday, January 4 2004
Who: Alicia Spinnet and George Weasley, with a bit of Aidan Spinnet
Where: Oliver’s flat in London
Private/Public: Private
Rating: TBD, all depending on the language
Summary: Oliver hasn’t come home, and Alicia doesn’t fancy being alone for too long. Besides, dinner’s almost ready, so why not invite over a friend?

If you don’t look too closely at the kitchen counter or the poorly repaired window... )

January 3rd, 2009

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When: 3 January 2004
Who: Hermione Granger, Alicia Spinnett
Where: skies over London
Private/Public: Private
Rating: G
Summary: Hermione offers an ear and a shoulder after the Prophet story.

Dear Alicia )

OWL: George to Alicia

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When: 3 January, 2004
Who: George, Alicia
Where: Their respective locations
Private/Public: Private
Rating: PG
Summary: George owls after reading the Prophet

I'll kill them for you, if you like )

OWL: Cass to Alicia

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When: January 3, 2004
Who: Cass, Alicia
Where: Sky
Private/Public: Private
Rating: All ages
Summary: Cass uses the office owl to write Alicia and check up on her.

Are you alright, Gorgeous? )

Owl for Alicia

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When: 2nd January 2009
Who: Harry, Jack the Owl, (hopefully) Alicia
Where: Harry's flat, the air, Oliver's place
Private/Public: Private
Rating: PG
Summary: Harry can't just sit by and writes Alicia for lack of something better to do for her.

Harry writes a letter )

The contents of the letter )

January 2nd, 2009

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who: Alicia Spinnet & Oliver Wood.
when: Jan. 2nd '04 // morning
where: Oliver's flat // London.
private/public: Private unless you hear them yelling outside and want to join ;)
rating: R for language.
summary: It was supposed to be the perfect morning. The one where no spontaneous visits, no kids and no life was supposed to interrupt them. And then the Daily Prophet arrived.

Suddenly the sound of breaking glass broke through the peaceful silence of the morning as an irate Quidditch player threw a chair out of the kitchen window.  )

ARTICLE: Former Quidditch Star Goes Missing

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When: January 2, 2004
Who: Everyone
Where: Everywhere
Private/Public: As public as it gets (feel free to speculate in this post or in other posts as much as you desire)
Rating: All Ages
Summary: The first of what is not yet known to be a string of disappearances is reported in the news.

A logical explanation - or foul play? )

December 30th, 2008

RP: New Years Eve at The Alexander

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Who: Everyone! (add your tags as you join!!)
When: Dec. 31, 2003- Jan. 1, 2004
Where: The Alexander
Private/Public: PUBLIC.
Rating: General (let me know if it turns adult...)
Summary: New Years Eve party at The Alexander

Welcome Wizarding World )
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