Dec. 26th, 2012


Who: Dean and Tessa
When: After their conversation on the network.
Where: Her room to start and then who knows.
What: Date.
Rating: Lowish
Status: Incomplete/ Closed

You are the one that got away, Dean )

Apr. 20th, 2012


Who: Tessa and Dean [info]reality_porn
What: Meeting in her office. Possibly to try new therapy.
Where: Her office
When: After their conversation.
Rating: Pg-13 at most
Status: Closed | Incomplete

In the window pane )

Apr. 5th, 2012


Who: Tessa and Dean [info]reality_porn
What: Meeting up
Where: His room
When: After their conversation
Rating: Lowish
Status: Closed/ Incomplete

seasons don't fear the reaper )