Dec. 28th, 2012


Who: Heather (Bear), OTA
What: Mourning the loss of her friends.
Where: The beach
When: Late night
Warning: Depends on who tags in.
Read more... )

Oct. 16th, 2012


Characters: Bob and Heather
When: Monday night.
Location: His office
Warnings/Rating: TBD, but possibly high for discussing PTSD and the physical triggering events
Summary: Bob has worked hard to acquire the knowledge he needs to help a patient. Now he sets out to begin the process.
Status: Closed and ongoing.

For once, Bob was meeting with a woman with nothing like sex on the mind. )

Aug. 13th, 2012


Who: Heather and 2014!Dean
Where: Out on the front lawn
What: Two PTSD patients (Both from Kansas!) that can't sleep.
When: Afterthis.
Rating: Low, maybe some language?
Open: If there's a reason, sure.
Status: On going.
And they said this wasn't Kansas anymore. )

Jul. 25th, 2012


Who: Heather and Robin
Where: The lawn!
What: A Picnic!
When: Lunchtime after this.
Rating: Tbd probably low
Open: If you can find a reason? They are outside!
Status: Ongoing.

Cut text here )


Who: Heather and Tony
Where: Room 220
What: Drinking with Tony
When: after this.
Rating: TBD
Open: No
Status: Ongoing

1653 beers ago )

Jun. 29th, 2012


Characters: Heather and OTA
When: Her second day in the nuthouse.
Location: Wandering the halls.
Warnings/Rating: PTSD attacks maybe.
Summary: Heather braves the hall, more than just outside the door.
Status: Open, Ongoing

Maybe I'm the one, maybe I'm the one who is the schizophrenic psycho. )