Jun. 8th, 2012


WHO: Baby Doll & Daryl Dixon.
WHAT: Daryl and Baby Doll meet for the first time and exchange a map.
WHERE: On the hospital grounds by the gazebo, out of vision from the cameras, security and staff.
WHEN: BACKDATED to sometime after this conversation, but before the gender switch.
RATING: PG-13 for language, at least.

Sweet dreams are made of these... )

May. 18th, 2012


Who: Buffy and Faith
What: Meeting up again at their room
Where: Their room
When: After their chat on the Comm
Rating: Lowish
Status: Closed/ Incomplete

she doubted she ever would be )

Apr. 26th, 2012


WHO: Baby Doll & Dr. Lester Sheehan.
WHAT: Baby Doll agrees to meet with her doctor to discuss things.
WHERE: Various halls to get to Dr. Sheehan's office - 4013.
WHEN: Ten minutes after this.
RATING: Fairly low.

She wanted to run away and go back to her room, but it was too late... )

Apr. 24th, 2012


Who: Sweat Pea and Whoever.
Where: Music therapy
What: Interaction
When: Now.
Rating: Medium.
Notes: She will think she’s on a stage and whoever walks in that’s not one of the girls might frighten her.
Open: You betta
Status: In progress

here we go )