Aug. 13th, 2012


Who: Heather and 2014!Dean
Where: Out on the front lawn
What: Two PTSD patients (Both from Kansas!) that can't sleep.
When: Afterthis.
Rating: Low, maybe some language?
Open: If there's a reason, sure.
Status: On going.
And they said this wasn't Kansas anymore. )

Apr. 20th, 2012


Who: Buffy and Dean Winchester
What: Hanging out.
Where:  His room.
When: After their conversation
Rating: R
Status: Closed/ Incomplete

Apr. 11th, 2012


Who: 2014!Dean and OTA
Where: Cafe/Coffee Shop
What: Interaction,
When: Now.
Rating: Medium.
Notes: If it goes smut and I'm still at work, have to wait till I get home.
Open: Yep
Status: In progress

I came out of the darkness with a bullet in my hands, I got one more shot at living, I'm lucky that I can. )