May. 18th, 2012


Who: Buffy and Faith
What: Meeting up again at their room
Where: Their room
When: After their chat on the Comm
Rating: Lowish
Status: Closed/ Incomplete

she doubted she ever would be )

Apr. 25th, 2012


Who: Faith and Buffy
Where: Hallway outside their room.
What: Buffy is pissed from all the uncalled for bitching toward her from here., plus fueled from canon events before coming here to cause a fight with Faith. It's going to end badly for Buffy. Warning here for possible miscarriage. If it is offensive or too violent for you, please don't read.
When: Now.
Rating: High.
Notes: Two Slayers fighting, might be hard to break up, since they are both strong.
Open: Reaction is love, trying to stop it would be awesome, but they both are strong fighers, if one steps in, might get hurt on accident.
Status: In progress

Bitch, you going down. )

Apr. 7th, 2012


Who: House and Faith [info]allmenarebeasts.
What: Random Encounter.
When: Saturday Evening.
Where: Walking trails.
Rating: High.
Status: Complete.

Distractions )