October 16th, 2012

[info]justashadow in [info]elmwoodstate

Characters: Bob and Heather
When: Monday night.
Location: His office
Warnings/Rating: TBD, but possibly high for discussing PTSD and the physical triggering events
Summary: Bob has worked hard to acquire the knowledge he needs to help a patient. Now he sets out to begin the process.
Status: Closed and ongoing.

For once, Bob was meeting with a woman with nothing like sex on the mind. )

[info]justashadow in [info]elmwoodstate

Characters: Bob and Lester Sheehan
When: Thursday evening
Location: Lester Sheehan's office
Warnings/Rating: TBD
Summary: Bob and L exchange information on magic, science, and helping people.
Status: Closed and ongoing.

Bob was setting out to make things right. He had changed, and he felt odd about it. )