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[04 Jun 2010|12:05am]
[info]sunshinemod channing tatum, dominic cooper, cory monteith, ginnifer goodwin, rachel mcadams, adam brody and ian somerhalder for a line because boone was my favorite thing about lost.
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Welcome to Harmony [04 Jun 2010|12:40am]
And in our bones, in our heads, we can't escape it anymore

You can’t remember how you heard of this place, yet, here you are. You can remember where you came from. Maybe you’ve come to escape. Maybe you’re running from your past, your enemies, your friends, or maybe even yourself. Maybe you just want a new chance, a new life, a change of pace. Maybe you didn’t come for yourself. You came for your family, for your significant other. Maybe you came to find someone you have lost.

Maybe you didn’t come here on your own at all, and someone else brought you here. Perhaps for your own good, or maybe just to get rid of you. Maybe they want to try and change you, for better or worse. Maybe you came from a different time, place, or existence, and when the offer was given to come here, you couldn’t say no. Perhaps you were given a new lease on life, literally, a chance to do it all again. To do it all right.

But everything comes at a price.

Welcome to Harmony, a new panfandom, high literacy RPG. We are so happy to have you here.

It's all about the break down, and baby, we're breaking down piece by piece

Game Info // Taken // Rules // Supplants // Injections // Apply
Mod Journal // IC Journal // OOC Journal

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[04 Jun 2010|05:58am]
[info]stevejobs yunjin kim, henry ian cusick, michael emerson, naveen andrews, jeremy davies, daniel dae kim, any of the remaining lost cast. a living matthew fox would be a dream.
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[04 Jun 2010|08:19am]



City Of Hills is an aim and thread friendly play by (PB)/city based community set in San Francisco, California. Writers of this community are promised creative control over their story lines. As long as things are kept realistic, there should not be an issue at all. We are a game that encourages diversity among characters and accept all types of play bys. This is a pretty basic city-wide game, although we do focus our residential selections around fourteen neighborhoods. This game also accepts characters of all ages.

Featured Neighborhoods: Bayview, Haight-Ashbury, Mission District, Mount Davidson, Mount Sutro, Nob Hill, Noe Valley, Pacific Heights, Presidio Heights, Rincon Hill, Russian Hill, Telegraph Hill, The Castro & Twin Peaks

Next Adds: TONIGHT.
Updates & Adds Every Tuesday & Friday
@ 10:00PM EST/07:00PM PST

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[04 Jun 2010|09:38am]









Harmony is a city-wide experiment, and your characters are the Guinea Pigs. They can come from any city, state or county. From space, or even another world. In fact, they even come back from the dead. And they don't always come on their own, either -- maybe a rival or enemy brought them here. Or the Doctor signed them in himself.

But now that they are here, they are the little mice in a very large maze.

They are subject to injections, that cause terrifying and unusual side effects. From not being able to sleep to needing to do some sort of sexual act, your character will not be in complete control of their own body. And even more, the Doc can sneak into their head and change their memories and thoughts to give them new ones. A new life, a new relationship, all in the blink of an eye.

The city, on it's surface, is calm -- but there is a lot more to this place than meets the eye. Just like the people living in it.

Welcome to Harmony; a newly re-worked Pan-Fandom RPG spanning many genres and fandoms. We are looking for high-literacy, active, motivated players to join our ranks.
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[04 Jun 2010|10:59am]
[info]maskofstars I'm lonely! I could use some co-stars and friends. I'll give out chocolate!
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The Alley: A Next-Gen HP RPG [04 Jun 2010|01:43pm]

Game Rules | Holds | Application | Current Cast | Important Resources
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[04 Jun 2010|02:28pm]
[info]triumph_mod. My former elite gymnast in the form of Mila Kunis has been around since October and I would love for her ex-boyfriend, Toby, to show up to irritate and possibly get back together with her. He's 17, from Dallas, and cheated on her. They were together for quite some time, but haven't talked since she kneed him in the "happy sacks" and dumped him.
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[04 Jun 2010|02:30pm]
[info]originate Dita Von Teese, please.
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[04 Jun 2010|03:26pm]
Penn Badgley wanted for a line!
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[04 Jun 2010|03:56pm]
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[04 Jun 2010|04:19pm]

They forgot it.
For the longest time, we all forgot it...

On June 1, 2010 a mysterious object spiraled toward New Orleans, Louisiana. At first, it was believed to be a meteor, but upon its landing in the bayou, it was revealed to be something entirely different. Something impossible. Otherworldly. Fragments of a long forgotten machine that defied all logic. Scientists were baffled.

The mysterious machine triggered the rebirth of magic & with that came the changes. Normal human beings began to sprout wings, set things on fire with thoughts alone, crave blood. Chaos erupted & everything changed in the blink of an eye.

Can you remember it? Will you?

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[04 Jun 2010|05:07pm]
[info]biography | keira knightley, abbie cornish, mads mikkelsen, hans matheson, alexa davalos, luke treadaway, luke evans, jason flemyng, eva mendes, jessica chastain, joel david moore, moon bloodgood, radha mitchell, michael vartan, adam garcia, carey mulligan, anna torv, josh lucas, michelle rodriguez.
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[04 Jun 2010|05:15pm]
Housing options for Tommy Joe Ratliff, por favor.
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[04 Jun 2010|06:01pm]
would anyone play a member of grizzly bear if i play one, too? i'm open to picking up any of the members. i'd also consider picking up owen pallett.
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[04 Jun 2010|06:21pm]
a next gen fairy tale experience


Once upon a time, in a kingdom far far away---oh wait, you've heard this one before? That's no surprise. We all grew up with fairy tales. And these stories of dastardly witches and wizards, of beautiful princes and princesses and crafty fairy folk are just that---stories. But what if they're not? What if, in an actual kingdom that was further away than you could ever imagine to get to, there were people living out the tales you heard every night before bed? And what if their mothers and fathers told stories of far off lands much like our own world? They probably wouldn't believe that this place exists, just as we couldn't fathom that there's a world where Cinderella really met her Prince Charming, and true love's kiss could really wake a sleeping beauty from a deathlike sleep.

But that place does exist. In a world parallel to ours, in a place that no magic but what we cast in our dreams could get us to, the characters of these fairy tales are real; living and breathing but slowly fading away. Yes, that world is waning and all because the one thing that fuels it and keeps its residents alive is in short supply. That one thing is belief. And as our belief in the magical fades away, so will all that is magical.

But there is hope. There is a family who, through ancient magic, has always been able to travel to and communicate with the other world. No one has ever been able to explain why the two sons of Grimm were connected to the land of fairy tales and enchantment. But it has been this way since before Jacob and Wilhelm began recording the stories of things they knew and heard from far far away. In their descendants, Rolf and Edwin Grimm, who have inherited this magnificent ability, lays the only hope for the people of the fairy tale world.

Even Further Away is a social, thread based rp game set at a fictional Grimm Academy where the children of popular fairy tale characters have come to live because their world is dying. Descendants of the famous Brothers Grimm have found a way, through limited magic, to bring the next generation [ie Snow White's children etc] to our world in order to save them from theirs. Because the land of fairy tales is so different from our own, a boarding academy has been founded by the brothers so that these children can smoothly transition, and learn about the ways of our world in order to survive in it. The game will center around the students, their lives at the academy, and their interactions with each other all pushed along by some zany subplot.

Game opens June 14th.

original table layout/coding by [info]chaperoned via [info]rp_tutorials
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[04 Jun 2010|06:43pm]
Looking for a PSL- AIM, Celeb, Actors/Athletes/Musicians

I'd love one against: David Boreanaz, Ryan Reynolds, Hugh Jackman, Chris Evans, Alec Baldwin, Adrian Pasdar, Clive Owen, Dominic Purcell, Dwayne Johnson, Matthew Fox, Derek Jeter, Mark Sanchez, Penn Badgley, Chris Brown, Ben Affleck, Vince Vaughn. Suggestions too. Anyone interested?
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[04 Jun 2010|07:30pm]
[info]velvetmod megan fox, adam brody, rachel mcadams, channing tatum, dominic cooper
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[04 Jun 2010|08:23pm]
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Marvelous Heroes [04 Jun 2010|08:24pm]

Marvelous Heroes




Friending Button

Most Wanted

Ororo Munroe
Bobby Drake
Kitty Pryde
Raven Darkholme
Pietro Maximoff
Lady Deathstrike
Agent Zero
It has been three months since the incident at Alkali Lake. Life, is moving on. Xavier's School for the Gifted has been repaired and security enhanced. Cerebro is working again and new students are arriving. A new Junior team of students is under training for X Men status.

A team is being put together called the Avengers. A group working with the government to protect other mutants and meta humans as well as protect society from those that wish them harm. Working with them is the Fantastic Four. Stryker has survived and working with what is left of Weapon X, and a few new scientists, has begun work on the Sentinel Program. The Brotherhood is rebuilding and taking the silence of the government and the new team of Avengers as a sign that the fight, is far from over.

Marvelous Heroes is a mature, literate writing group that role plays out plots in the Marvel universe. We are a mix of comic and movie verse and do not consider X3: Last Stand, or Origins to be canon. Adapting other Marvel characters to the universe as we go, we are always looking for writers that want to stretch their literary muscle by inspiring and being inspired by others writing and character development.

GAME BEGINS June 10th. Join today>>>>>

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[04 Jun 2010|08:47pm]
[info]ravenswood Next adds are Monday evening

More men and women over 30 please!
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lines plz? [04 Jun 2010|10:13pm]

need some storylines for this lady right here. she's a starving artist, a career waitress, a bit sarcastic and snarky, but fun and funny if you don't irk her terribly bad. there are a couple of wanted storylines in her journal, but i am seriously open to anything at all with her.
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[04 Jun 2010|10:18pm]

oth peeps, jared padalecki, arielle kebbel, ed westwick.
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[04 Jun 2010|10:20pm]



Welcome to Earth's countdown! Please enjoy your stay and try not to die.

Places of Interest
Malfunction Days
Trial Information
Contact List (F)
Friending Button (F)
Greetings, future player; how are you doing today? I bet you're confused, and wondering why I've contacted you. You (yes you) have been chosen to represent Heaven/Hell in the game to end all games. Before you start asking questions, please, allow me to explain. God and Satan have been at each other's throats for aeons. Finally, they decided to create one more world, and send their representatives to recruit players for the game. Some people will be chosen to fight for Heaven, while others will be chosen to fight for Hell. Now don't you worry about having a place to stay, food to eat, or things to do. You will have all of these things, and maybe more.

And what's at stake here? If Heaven wins, you get to go back home (or maybe somewhere else); all the worlds will remain in tact. If Hell wins, then everything will be wiped out. But, maybe you actually want that.

The fate of the worlds rest on your shoulders; will you join the cause? Will you join Heaven? Or will you join Hell?

Chaos Unraveled is a multi-fandom, OC friendly game that's been opened since May of 2008.


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Mask Of Stars Celeb RPG [04 Jun 2010|11:13pm]
[info]maskofstars We're a brand new celebrity role play community. We would like to focus on writing and interaction.

We are open minded and accepting of many kinds of celebrity lifestyles.
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