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Some kind of Harmony;

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[30 Mar 2012|11:21am]

I kinda disappeared. To be honest, I kinda forgot about the game *Is made of fail*

IF anyone wants plot with Rose and/or Lilly, feel free to hit me up.

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[29 Mar 2012|04:59pm]

Alrighty, so... I know I've been gone for awhile. I apologize for that profusely. I got a new job where I'm working nights and I was pulled into some real life drama that had to be settled immediately and kept me from doing much of anything. Thankfully, that one has been dealt with. BUT, it also kept me from the game. I'm back though, so yay!! And with Jo... and possibly two others I have yet to decide on.

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apologies [19 Mar 2012|12:06am]

I have just not been in the Harmony mood lately, guys. It really sucks because we worked so hard to reopen this place. :(

Sorry, everyone. Hopefully it will be better soon.

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Late hiatus [04 Mar 2012|08:36am]

I am out of town for a family thing/memorial, I'll be around again come Monday.

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[27 Feb 2012|01:54pm]

Howdy peoples. My name is Irish and I bring you Joanna Beth Harvelle from Supernatural. She's post death, so she's a little sketchy on why she's, you know, walking around upright and sniffing air, but other than that, she's one hell of an individual. Not just anyone can say they took down hell hounds and died in a fiery explosion that took out a shit ton more now can they? lol

Anyway, if you wanna plot or chat, IM me or email me :)

archer irlandais

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New characters! [20 Feb 2012|05:29pm]

We've had some trouble with the friend-add in the past, so just in case you can't get into it:

Click away! We have two characters from Supernatural, and one from Bones!

As a side note, I personally think I might give a character or two an injection just to have fun with them. It'll provide something interesting!

And it might be fun if we arrange a party thread, something like that. Let me know if anyone is interested. <3

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[28 Jan 2012|09:59pm]

Okay, so it's Rory again and I'm finally doing the intro for my girl here.

Her name is Willow Rosenberg and she is from the lovely show Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Willow has come to Harmony for a fresh start. She had a bit of an...incident back home in Sunnydale and she's trying to gain back some much needed mental and emotional ground (you can read more about the incident in her profile).

Willow is a teacher at Harmony High. Chances are, if your character is a student, they've met her. She has also lived in Harmony for a few years now. Come, play with Willow. She's a sweetheart, if maybe a little jumpy at times. ♥ ♥

Also, sorry for being away. I was diagnosed on Tuesday (after blacking out a few times from pain) with bursitis in my left hip. I've basically been asleep for the last week and am just today able to function like a human being again. heh

But, really, both of my babies (this girl and also Warren: [info]nonottolstoy) are open to play if anyone has any interest. :)

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Log? [25 Jan 2012|06:34pm]

Anyone want to do a log with Ema? I'd love to do something!

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