Posts Tagged: '%21ac'

Feb. 25th, 2018



February Activity Check!

It's time for an Activity Check!

The requirements, as outlined in the Rules/FAQ, are fairly simple. All you need is 1 log or narrative per character with no minimum word or paragraph count. That's it! If you are still working on a log with a partner and the deadline comes up, feel free to post what you have as a placeholder and use that toward your activity.

This check will run through February 28, 2018.

Let us know if you have any questions! ♥

Jan. 25th, 2018



January Activity Check

It's time for an Activity Check!

The requirements, as outlined in the Rules/FAQ, are fairly simple. All you need is 1 log or narrative per character with no minimum word or paragraph count. That's it! If you are still working on a log with a partner and the deadline comes up, feel free to post what you have as a placeholder and use that toward your activity.

This check will run through January 31, 2017.

Let us know if you have any questions! ♥

Dec. 27th, 2017



It's time for a Check In!

As mentioned earlier in the month, we were not asking for activity for the month of December due to the holidays and everyone across the board having plenty going on that kept them away from their computers! We do ask that you comment on the above linked check in, though. Thank you!

This check in will run through December 31, 2017.

Let us know if you have any questions! We will be going back to our regularly scheduled activity checks in January. Hope you all have had lovely holidays so far! ♥
Tags: ,

Nov. 24th, 2017



November Activity Check

It's time for an Activity Check!

The requirements, as outlined in the Rules/FAQ, are fairly simple. All you need is 1 log or narrative per character with no minimum word or paragraph count. That's it! If you are still working on a log with a partner and the deadline comes up, feel free to post what you have as a placeholder and use that toward your activity.

This check will run through November 30, 2017.

Let us know if you have any questions! ♥
Tags: ,

Oct. 25th, 2017



It's time for an Activity Check!

The requirements, as outlined in the Rules/FAQ, are fairly simple. All you need is 1 log or narrative per character with no minimum word or paragraph count. That's it! If you are still working on a log with a partner and the deadline comes up, feel free to post what you have as a placeholder and use that toward your activity.

This check will run through October 31, 2017. 🎃 👻

Let us know if you have any questions! ♥
Tags: ,

Oct. 1st, 2017



It's time for an Activity Check!

The requirements, as outlined in the Rules/FAQ, are fairly simple. All you need is 1 log or narrative per character with no minimum word or paragraph count. That's it!

This check will run through October 7, 2017.

Let us know if you have any questions! ♥

Aug. 30th, 2017



Activity Check!

It's time for an Activity Check!

The requirements, as outlined in the Rules/FAQ, are fairly simple. All you need is 1 log or narrative per character with no minimum word or paragraph count. That's it!

This check will run through September 9, 2017 which is not this Saturday but next Saturday.

As a note, typically only activity posted within the specified month may be used for check in. However, for our first check in, anything from the opening of the game through September 9 may be used, giving everyone just over an extra week to finish activity since we know a large part of this month was focused on app writing and trying to coordinate introducing characters with SLPs. Just note that any activity posted between September 1 and 9 used for this check in cannot be reused for September's check in.

Let us know if you have any questions! ♥
Tags: ,

Jul. 19th, 2017



tags post.
