October 31st, 2018



October Activity Check!

It's time for an Activity Check!

The requirements, as outlined in the Rules/FAQ, are fairly simple. All you need is 1 piece of activity per character, such as a network post, comment thread, complete or in progress log or narrative per character with no minimum word or paragraph count, and so on. That's it!

As you might have noticed, this is being put up really late this month! Because of that, this check will run through November 7, 2018.

Let us know if you have any questions! ♥



Tomorrow is November! When did that happen??

As a note, we will only be doing check ins during the months of November and December, to give everyone a break during the holidays so no stress has to be endured in making activity. Obviously you can be as active as your time allows, but don't worry if you find yourselves not having the time as your focus is elsewhere. ❤️

November is NaNoWriMo! If you're planning on participating, high five! Otherwise, if you're planning on doing the RP-centric RPWriMo, there are a few of us that are already dedicating November to logs and narratives to hit crazy word counts. Good luck and don't hesitate to reach out to others to hit those goals.

Finally, there aren't a whole ton of town events this month, so once again, feel free to let us know if you'd like to add anything to the calendar and we'll get that sorted! This can be smaller events, large town plots, or anything in between.

November Events! )