August 28th, 2018



HI GUYS. So I wanted to make a reference for Eve's D&D group, just for any in character shenanigans or mentionings. I kind of assume that they meet once a week or at least every other week at her apartment, probably on a Friday or weekend evening, depending on availability of folks. She provides food, because it's Eve, and some drink, but people can bring stuff too. She is homebrewing an adventure that takes place in the Forgotten Realms and Faerûn. As a DM, she's really patient, especially with new players; she has a lot of experience with new folk, because she worked so long at gaming stores doing DM nights with newbies. She rewards creativity, but she knows not everyone is into that or roleplaying, so she's a fair DM. Dice rolls are important, but she's really all about creating an experience and collaborative stories.

Annnyway, for characters. You don't have to actually roll a character or anything crazy like that, but just a name/race/class. If you need help on it, just let me know. :3

Eve: Dungeon Master ✨

Brynn: Bard
Josie: Nadia Pisacar, Female Human Monk (Way of the Kensei)
Kiera: Eärwen Siannodel, Female High Elf Sorcerer (Water Sorcery)