July 18th, 2018



helloooo. this is kit with emilia lyon/emma swan. she is lucy's little sister, fresh from across the pond. she will be staying more permanently but, for now, she's been in dunhaven since saturday and has probably met all of lucy's friends and acquaintances. i mean, tbh, annie probably had another cookout for the lyons because that's just the kind of person she is. SO if you'd have reason to show up at annie's place over the weekend, you've probably met emilia! she's nice, but a bit awkward. she's a writer who always has ink somewhere on her hands and fingers. she just recently went through a pretty awful breakup so she's more subdued than she usually is but will be bouncing back in time. her bio is in her journal! i figured most people won't know her, anyway, so it's there if you just want to check her out for curiosity's sake ;)

people can feel free to question why the city of dunhaven gave a visitor access to the network, too, LOL. since, you know, she hasn't actually told anyone (i.e. lucy, parents, etc) that she's not going back home.