July 5th, 2018



HELLO everyone. It's my birthday, so that means I'm picking up a character. That's how that works, right? Right! This is Elias Salazar, who moonlights in his dreams as Tony Stark a la MCU. He isn't dreaming just yet, but they're coming. Oh, they're coming.

So! The long and short of Eli:

- 26-years-old and was born and raised in Boston.
- Certified cutie pie.
- Annie Nikolaev's younger half-brother, but neither of them know it yet. ~surprise~
- Very, very smart. Like, genius-level smart. He graduated from MIT at 17 and sold his first tech patent to a company that left him wealthy at the tender age of 18.
- Founded Salazar Industries in 2013. It's a tech company that focuses primarily on clean energy, developing it further and making it accessible to everyone, and developing technology for sustainable and affordable agriculture and water purification. Their hq is in Boston, but they have an R&D facility in Baltimore and are currently considering moving their hq closer to it. It's done very well in its short time it has been open and he's kind of made a name for himself thanks to his name being on the company.
- His mother died in April of 2017 and it broke him in a lot of ways. He's doing okay for the most part, but it's left him without much family and put him on a path to find said family. His mom never told him who his father was, but he found an unsent letter in his mom's things after she died that is bringing him to Dunhaven.
- Though he's Tony in another life and has his smarts and mechanical know how, he's not so much into the butthead playboy bachelor thing. (Certain media outlets like to call him a wealthy bachelor, but he really isn't into that. At all. Please no.) He's kind of socially awkward thanks to skipping a ton of grades in school and has definitely dated in the past, but his work or general life stuff would get in the way. He can turn on the charm and charisma when needed, but he always needs to recharge afterward.
- More can be found HERE!

Yes! That is Eli. He is going to be brand new to Dunhaven when he shows up looking for his father, so I know connections might be scarce for him. But if we can figure something out, that would be amazing. People may have heard of him or if they Google him plenty comes up, otherwise if anyone else is from Boston or could be a not surprise relative of some kind through his mother or step-dad? Anything we can figure out is A+ by me. 😘