July 1st, 2018



Hi, guys!

Since it's the start of a new month, we wanted to take a moment to let you all know of a couple of changes to the rules page. We feel like we've reached a point where Dunhaven feels perfectly like the GPSL it was designed to be. We're all pretty well settled in and comfortable with each other and good at keeping in touch with each other. So we've pretty much boiled the rules down to this: communicate and be considerate.

How does that change the rules? Well, most importantly, it changes activity requirements. We are still very log- and narrative-centric (which we feel like everyone prefers, anyway, for plotting reasons) but anything counts as the one piece of activity now. If you have a really busy month in RL, or your headspace just needs some light-hearted comment threading, or anything in between, you can do what works the best for you and your storyline partners. Just make sure to keep in touch with them to make sure you stay on the same page!

The rules page itself has been updated if you want to look at it! And we'll be going through the rest of the pages, too, to make sure everything is updated to reflect anything that has developed or changed through gameplay. If you don't mind, please check the pages that show character and/or player information to make sure your and your characters' information is all correct :D

Thanks for continuing to make this community such an awesome place, y'all ♥

And here's the events coming up in July! )