June 24th, 2018



HI EVERYONE! Emily here, and I'm back now that it's summer and life is not so stressful anymore. I am bringing back Juno (Hermione) who I've revamped into an older iteration. She attended Athena Academy (2000-2007), Georgetown (2007-2011), and then she went to Harvard for law school (bc DUH, Hermione would) and graduated in 2015. Since then she's been working as an attorney for the American Civil Liberties Union of VA (ALSO DUH) which brought her back to Dunhaven a few years ago. Her parents are also dentists in the community, so they'd be pretty well known by folks.

Plot with me!



June Activity Check!

It's time for an Activity Check!

The requirements, as outlined in the Rules/FAQ, are fairly simple. All you need is 1 log or narrative per character with no minimum word or paragraph count. That's it! If you are still working on a log with a partner and the deadline comes up, feel free to link to an in progress doc or post what you have as a placeholder and use that toward your activity.

This check will run through June 30, 2018.

Let us know if you have any questions! ♥