March 30th, 2018



Guess who's back?

Hey everyone! Jach here. Coming back to rejoin the fun with one old character and one new. For anyone who remembers, this is Samantha Colt aka Sam Winchester. Sam is a Dunhaven native who left for college on the west coast and never looked back. She became a badass nurse and was happily living her life until her mother was recently diagnosed with cancer. She'll be packing her things up and returning home to take care of mom. She's closing in on her 35th birhtday, so if anyone in game has characters that are close in age, I'd love to develop some new/old friendships for her!

Second up is [info]stagofsilver, Jack Morehead aka Harry Pottah. Jack is another Dunhaven native. Currently 28 and working as a fire-fighter. He's a big ol' jock who loves sports and bro-ing it up. He's a pretty easy going guy most of the time, but he totally has a flair for the dramatic when he wants. He was popular in school and had a ton of friends, so if anyone wants to develop friendship backstory, let me know! He's a helpful guy for the most part, and tries to be nice to everyone. When he's not at work, he can usually be found going for runs with his doggie, playing sports at the park on weekends, and just hanging around with friends.
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