January 29th, 2018



High School Spring Musical Auditions!

The spring musical at the high schools are upon all and the announcement of the actual production was made today at both schools, with auditions taking place tomorrow at the public high school's auditorium starting at 3:30PM. Students from both the private and public schools are welcome to audition. Audition materials include singing any song of your choice and performing a prepared monologue from any production -- you don't have to perform from the actual musical itself, just something that gives an idea of your vocal range and acting chops. You can audition for a specific role, but if the powers that be decide you might be best fit for a different role, you might not get the one you had in mind.

So! The musical this year is going to be Wicked! If you're somehow unfamiliar, you can read more about it here, with a breakdown of vocal parts and such here. Annie Nikolaev and Calla Puri will be directing the musical, so auditions will be done for them. (Oceana Ridgeway will be the choreographer, which will be happening IC shortly.) The cast list will be announced on January 31, with practices beginning on February 5th; practices will take place Monday-Wednesday from 3:30PM-5:30PM, with the actual performance in early April. (Practices will get more frequent the closer it comes to showtime.)

ANYWAY. There aren't a whole ton of high schoolers in game, we know, but we wanted to throw this out there for plotting purposes. Feel free to reply if you have a student that would audition, including the part they want and how their audition would have gone. There will also be need for people to act as stage hands, do set design, hair/makeup, etc, though those won't all necessarily be high schoolers. If there are any others that would like to be involved in the production somehow (example being if Sarah wants to help with set design, Laura?), feel free to volunteer them! They don't necessarily have to work at the school.