November 14th, 2017




this is rhys stone's youngest sibling (and the best one, she says), brynn! SHE IS ALSO ELEVEN FROM STRANGER THINGS YEAAAAAAH. i think everyone knows rhys's story, at least, so i won't rehash that. brynn came to dunhaven in 2012 with rhys & his then-wife elena, and their daughter rose. she was enrolled in athena academy. i think there is really only one person who overlapped with her closely (hi rowena lol) there. she graduated in 2013, and went back to nyc to attend columbia like her big brother, so she's really only been back in dunhaven for holidays/summer breaks. it isn't really ~home~ to her at all yet. she was GUTTED !!!! when rhys announced his divorce, because elena had been her first mother-figure and everything was getting ruined, and she hadn't actually dealt with her parents' deaths in the first place, so she shut down and shut the family out for months. didn't come back until christmas 2014 (though would've been at least in contact via phone/text that fall). but after that, things have gotten better slowly!

she just graduated in may and moved to dunhaven because ???? what else is she going to do???? and has been living with rhys and lyllianna, because where else is she going to live, lol. everything is really up in the air right now, and she has NO CLUE where she's gonna go next or what she wants to do. so she's helping at the youth center, and probably is a barista also (not that she's great at that).

she's a little closed-off and hard to get to know at first because she's had a lot of death/rejection/big changes in her life, and she kind of figures nothing is going to stay gold anymore, so why open up? with her fam/people she trusts, she's a big goofball and a lot more like rhys (who she has always idolized), but it takes some time for her to trust people because she's so used to getting burned. she's a big city girl in a lot of ways, despite spending her early years in the south. cultured and has expensive taste, though her fashion sense is kind of scattered because she's still figuring how who she wants to be.

SHE COULD USE FRIENDS AND STUFF. and let's talk about anyone connected to rhys and how she'd know them. :DDDD