September 9th, 2017



Hello! I'm Jaclyn, and I know a lot of you, I think? But it's been about a year since I've existed and some of you were new friends then, so brief introductions: I'm 27, a mom of a 5yo who is both the best and worst thing in my life depending on how much sleep she got the night before ;), and I also have the honor of being Jamie's cousin. The fact that we both RP was an awesome coincidence only discovered about five years of me being at it, but she introduced me to journal games (LJ at the time) and I haven't really looked back.

I bring you Gwyn Waters, a.k.a., Ginny Weasley. (Or Ginny Potter. Depends on the memory haha.) Also a.k.a. Nick Waters' favorite little sister. A small handful of people can call her Gwynnie and her grandmother insists on still calling her Maya, but for most it's just Gwyn. Brief summary is that she's 23 and went to all the public schools, graduating DHS in 2012. She was always the lanky tomboy type growing up, mainly doing soccer and swimming, but dabbling in all sorts of other sports, too. (Including an archery hobby.) She was Nick's shadow when she was little and idolized him (still does). By middle school she ended up being bullied a lot, ignored by others, and withdrew, culminating in a pedo targeting her online in a chatroom. (Tom Riddle's diary, anyone?) That nearly went south, but Nick saved her.

After that, she got into therapy, sort of had a rebirth, learned to love herself, and once high school came she made friends and got somewhat popular. However, she had no time for fakes, so anyone who actively bullied her would always have been on her shit list and she would have been picky enough with anyone else. I'd love for her to have some friends from high school within her age range. She didn't care about clique or label or being in the same year, so there's flexibility so long as they were a good person. In high school, she dated Maxon Winters through all of freshman through junior year, but ended it before he went into the military. They're still really good friends. She would have dated casually her senior year if asked to things, but mainly let herself heal.

After high school, she went away to the University of Virginia, but visited home a lot and moved home in the summers. She graduated a semester early, but while in school she sustained a broken ankle that ended her dreams of a pro soccer career. Now she lives at home and is a personal trainer working for/with Vee. She also helps out at the boat rental shop when she doesn't have too many clients.

Looking for friends (especially if someone wanted to give me a Luna in her year to be the quirky childhood friend who was always there even when Gwyn pushed her away), enemies, possible romances (anyone wanna pick up a Harry muse? *winkwinknudgenudge*), wartime allies anything else. She's the type who would just strike up a friendship chatting with the cashier at a local business, etc. Hit me up!