March 8th, 2011

[info]ofmanydevices in [info]disappear_rpg

WHO: Tom and Kou
WHAT: Investigating the Light
WHERE: School Hallways
WHEN: After This
WHY: Cause Kou was the one who responded

Tom is a detective and Kou is a doctor, they're teaming up to solve mysterious. And now that I've put that imagine in your head... )
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[info]ofmanydevices in [info]disappear_rpg

WHO: Tom, Max and Yoshi
WHAT: Tom and Max check up on Yoshi
WHERE: Yoshi's room
WHEN: Between Yoshi dungeon and Isao dungeon
WHY: He may have made remarks about her pre-dungeon

Puppies make it all better )
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[info]ofmanydevices in [info]disappear_rpg

WHO: Tom and Renju
WHAT: A review of the case in short tag format
WHERE: The Butterfly room
WHEN: Between Yoshi dungeon and Isao dungeon
WHY: the end is nigh, better get ready for it.

Read more... )
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[info]ofmanydevices in [info]disappear_rpg

WHO: Tom and Kozue
WHAT: Important friendship discussion in short tag format
WHERE: School roof top
WHEN: Between Yoshi dungeon and Isao dungeon
WHY: Because there needs to be some ranking up

Funny that given Kozue's rep, all of her rank 10 threads involve friendship. )
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[info]ofmanydevices in [info]disappear_rpg

WHO: Tom and Toshi
WHAT: Toshi tries to repay Tom for knives in short tag format.
WHERE: The coffee shop where they first talked
WHEN: Between Yoshi dungeon and Isao dungeon
WHY: Because Toshi is determined damnit!

There is no statue of limitations on repaying a debt to a person who doesn't want your money )
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[info]ofmanydevices in [info]disappear_rpg

WHO: Tom and Kai
WHAT: Clothes shopping in short tag format
WHERE: Iburi shopping district
WHEN: Between Yoshi dungeon and Isao dungeon
WHY: Tom needs more clothes he can stash weapons in

The end of the world is coming, better bring a change of clothes )
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